Monday, August 19, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

We were so thankful to see the rain arrive.  The garden and flower beds were so dry, not to mention the herb garden (I now call the "weed" garden).  The beets and carrots are very small right now.  I hope we have a good fall season to fatten them up.

We had a family breakfast Sunday morning. On our way there we had a major storm, taking out our power for 3 hours.  It was 86°F but a heat index of 97.  

We came home and Hubby worked on one daughter's car (in the heat no less.  I was watching out the window and saw him running.  Wasps had made a nest in her side mirror and one stung him.  Funny thing is, is that I had just picked plantain, and had fresh to grind up and put a poultice on his bite.  Anyway, car is finally fixed and delivered.  One more "to-do" checked off the list.

Hubby has been pretty good on his to-do list lately.  He even installed a new dead bolt on one door, and has more to go.  His priority now is fixing the old truck.  He plans to pick up a new drawer bracket for me today too.  Another job hopefully checked off this week.

Somehow, over our recent camping trip (best I figure because I woke up Sunday with a red spot on my ankle that was sort of feeling like a burn).  Not sure what it was but most likely in the spider family.  Plantain poultice to the rescue (and homemade neosporin).  Guess I'm going to start wearing tall socks under my jeans next camping trip.  I had shoes on with short socks.  Lesson learned.  We will also check under the camper mattresses each time we pop up the camper.

I finally ordered my instant read thermometer.  It's been a long time waiting on doing this.  I have one, but it's not an instant read.  I was watching America's test kitchen and they recommended it.  Once it arrives I'll share a picture of it.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Dairy of a Stay at Home Mom.  I already have a lot crossed off my to-do list.  I'm up early every day.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Breakfast burrito with scramble made with dandelion greens, and a homemade cinnamon roll.  Cup of organic coffee.

The weather outside is . . .
High of 86°F, Sunny with a chance of thunderstorms again tonight. Possible rain again today too.

Right now I am . . .
Trying to get my daughter to get out of bed.  It's almost 11am.

On my reading pile . . . 
Sorting mail and filing recipes if that counts for reading, ha ha!

On my TV this week . . .
Eat My Dust  and Urban Cowboy- movies on Amazon

On the menu . . .
Cabbage/potatoes and sausage
Cheesy pasta broccoli bake
Blueberry pancakes and sausage


On the to do list . . .
Master bath
Fold towels in laundry basket
Dishes/kitchen clean up
Run dishwasher
Water porch pots
Take clothes off drying racks and put them away
Make a bucket of homemade laundry detergent
Pay school fee 
Make a trip to the store for wasp spray
Place order for drawer brackets
Place order window switch for one daughter's car
Order a new spray nozzle for homemade bug spray
Take recycling
Call for Septic (might actually and finally get done)
A few things need canned this week
Clean up computer area

What I am creating . . .

Finished these two sets of pot holders and started another one.  I hope to have time to start another bracelet - got two more orders.

Looking forward to . . .
Our next motorcycle ride, camping trip - just anything relaxing.

Looking around the house . . .
I'm getting some ideas for different storage items in the kitchen.  Already ordered some containers for my canning rims

From the camera . . .
A picture that daughter took when Romeo had a sleepover weekend with the kids at their apt.  Zuri is warming up to him.  What a happy sight for sure.  King is too, Romeo just curled up with Zuri.

Thinking about . . .
Building a bat house.  We really need to get the bats out of the barn.

Prayers . . .
The world in general, private requests, super quick healing of my darn spider bite.


  1. you are good with homemade medicine! Hope the wasp and spider bites don't hurt anymore. Family breakfasts (or any meal for that matter) are always nice. 3 hours without power in the heat? uggh! Hoping you get some rain soon.
    Have a great week

  2. Your menu sounds delicious! And I'm very impressed by your pot holders. :)

  3. Thanks Luludou, I'm trying a new method of remedy for the spider bite. If it works I'll be sharing it soon.

  4. Looks like you have a good start to a busy week. Love the pup picture too. Love the pot holders too! Have a GREAT week.

  5. Ouch! Hope the wasp stings and spider bite are healing nicely. I can remember seeing Urban Cowboy at the movie theater with my cousin. Not going to comment on how long ago that might or might not have been ;) Hope you have a wonderful week!

  6. Look at that to do list...busy lady! Love the pot holders, I need to make a few! Love the pup pic! Have a great week!


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