Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Rain ~ Feverfew

I got a start on one of the bracelets.  Each one takes 196 beads and it does take 45 minutes to an hour to string them.

Crazier things could happen, but after I crocheted the "trial" bracelet and to check size, I had 7 orders for them by the next morning (thanks to my daughter showing it off on social media). Woohoo, but now I got work to do ha ha!

I was back online doing some "unsupervised" shopping!  I'll have supplies soon, but I wish Aunt Lydia's yarn sold #3 cotton thread in a variegated color too.

We got rain yesterday.  So thankful for that, but the weeding needs to resume again. I managed to get one bag of mulch in the flower beds and of course weeded that area prior to that.

Our 17 year-old had a headache all day, so I cut some fresh feverfew and brewed a tea for her.  The main reason to plant it was for this purpose (migraines, headaches).  Over the counter meds would not work for her, so I brewed the tea, although the feverfew was fresh, not dried.  One cup of brewed tea relieved her headache.  

I don't have enough growing to dry for tea as well as make a fresh tincture, so next year I'll plant two pots of it.  

Rain, here is a photo of the box the steps came in.  I am assuming he bought them online.  There is a material cover for them so Jesse won't slip either.

Puppy nap time is so adorable.


  1. Thanks Kristina! I like the look of those stairs. I guess two steps would work for our bed too. But I think a ramp as you suggested, would be best for the car. Your puppy nap time is so adorable, I just want to hug him!!!

    I have to stay away from online shopping, it's dangerous in my case lol...Alex and I have an agreement, we must approve of each other's purchases before clicking "Place Your Order"! That keeps us honest lol! :)

  2. Rain, you are welcome. Yep, that pup has been a very good pup lately.

  3. A shame we are so far away; I have two doggie steps we got for our Basset Hound, which she almost always refuses for getting in the car! Could have been yours.

  4. Puppy steps. I know many people that have them. I usually have to be very careful when it comes to purchasing online items.

  5. Good to know about the feverfew. Am going to have to keep that in mind as I face migraines from time to time, though not as often as when I worked in offices. Hmmm...
    The bracelet is beautiful. I've never crocheted with beads though one of our Aunts who was very crafty use to crochet and knit with both beads and sequins, and she made some beautiful things.
    I use to do loom beading with seed beads long ago. Then we moved to a smaller house, the looms all went in storage, and I haven't seen them since. :(
    After 2 years of various bouts with flus, our yard was awful. Bro Tom got the front yard cleaned out. It took him days. Bless his heart. And in this heat too. It looks wonderful though we do need to lay mulch for the front path to the front door.
    Trying to be faithful to the exercises PT have given me for the displaced pelvis. One of the cats helps me too. ;) And though I am achy after, it's nothing like the pain I was admitted to the hospital for. Praise God!!!
    Prayers for everyone for the week ahead, facing storms, flooding and whatever else Mother Nature can think of to throw against us. LOL
    God bless.

  6. That sweet little puppy is just adorable. Beautiful bracelet. I am a danger with online shopping so try to avoid it when I am on my own.

  7. Carol, the steps are for the older dog, who can't jump up on the bed any longer. My son purchased them, but I do not know where he got them. Could have been online or pet store.

  8. RB, I tried growing feverfew last year. Didn't work out with the rain and heat, but this year it's in a pot near the door, so it gets watered often. Daughter has used it twice now. I'll be growing more. Thanks. The bracelets are turning out nice, and are fairly easy to crochet, other than it takes an hour to string the beads on.

  9. Thanks mamasmercantile. I was simply placing an order for the crochet thread. Our Wal-mart doesn't carry the colors I wanted and Hobby Lobby is too far of a drive in this heat wave.

  10. I don't know if you've thought of this or not, but you could dye the Aunt Lydia's yourself and get whatever colorway you want. I've had some good luck with dyeing both the #10 and #3 versions in the past when they just didn't have the colors I wanted (including variegated).

  11. Thank you Angela, I don't know why I didn't think of that myself, lol! Great idea.


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