Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Keeping Radishes Fresh and other Tidbits

I went out to check on the radishes again.  

To keep them fresh, if I don't use them the same day I pick them, I cut the greens, wash them, and place them in a damp paper towel.  Then I put that inside a container or reusable plastic bag.  Works like a charm.

The ground hog who got away.  I think there are two now.  Sigh.  Gonna have to keep my eyes open now.  Can't lose my garden after all this work.

A beautiful sunrise the other day.  We are entering into a very hot week this week.  AC filters were cleaned and temps turned down for the week.  Monday we reached 93°F.

With the temps soaring, the chickens are getting treated with shaved ice this week.

Woke up to a balmy, sticky 72°F at 5am.  I had plans to wash blankets and rugs.  Hm.  Yeah, that's not happening.


  1. that sunrise...wow. Straight from GODS crayola box for sure. I love the shaved ice for your little yard birds...hot here..not my cup of tea, it's somebody's just not mine. I'll get my turn in the fall.

  2. My goodness what a beautiful sunrise, stunning. A great tip for the radish.

  3. Great radishes tip - I have passed it onto my daughter, though the fact they quickly deteriorate did make her set to and make a few jars of mixed pickle.

  4. Faith, we are pretty sick of the weather here - too much rain followed by heat wave after heat wave. Frustrating for sure.

  5. Bovey, I do can radish relish too. It's pretty good on sandwiches etc.

  6. Washing? What's that??? ;) I don't do housework from June to October...well, just the minimum!!! :) Your radishes look great and WOW nice sky pics!!

  7. Thanks Rain! We are thankful to get the radishes.

  8. Hot as blazes here too, and not a drop of rain in sight, so far anyway. Never thought of ice for the chicken (only one left now). How do you give it to them? What do they do with it once they have it? Very interesting.
    May FINALLY be on the road to recovery. After 2 hospitals, one 3-4 day say (can't recall), an Xray, a CAT scan, an MRI and I can't remember how many doctors and nurses (and IVs and shots, today I went to a PT appointment, and the Dr. there may finally have discovered what's been wrong with me (a displaced pelvic bone, left side). She did a lot of tests with this foot and that leg, etc. discovered it was causing one leg to be shorter than the other causing pulls on the muscles and tendons on the opposite side, and therefore pain and spasms.
    After all that, I feel pretty good tonight. I'm scheduled for 15 more visits, to keep resetting the pelvic bone and strengthening the muscles and tendons so it stays there. And I pray this works so I can get back to work, both at home and at the store. Praise God!!!
    Prayers everyone has a great holiday, and a SAFE one too.
    God bless.

  9. BTW - Martha Stewart says you can make a tasty soup out of radish greens. Never tried it, but ya never know. Let me know if you try it and if you like it.
    There's probably a recipe for it on Martha's website, maybe.
    God bless.

  10. RB, I purchased an "icy" machine that grinds up the ice. I place it in a reusable tin and place it on the ground in the shade. They eat it up and cool off and I toss the tin or rewash if it's not dirty. Glad you are feeling better too. I have saved radish greens, but never made soup with them. Hm. If I get any good greens I will try it. Right now ants are eating my greens too much to save them.


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