Friday, July 5, 2019

Hot, Humid, more Thunderstorms ~ Homemade Pomegranate Vinaigrette

When water starts to flood this field it's not a good sign.  I took this photo yesterday morning.  We got a lot of rain the previous night.

We are getting burned out of this night shift business.  I should go to "nights" when he does so we are on the same schedule.  Ugh.  He's on this shift until middle of next week with no days/nights off.

What did I do on the 4th?  No celebrating for us. Too hot to grill out as well.  Hubby had to sleep then work night shift, the girls went to the movies, and it was just me and the dog and the AC.

I baked some chocolate bourbon spiked banana bread for the us.  Recipe is online, I just adapted organic ingredients (leites culinaria).

Cooked up a breakfast scramble with bacon and dandelion greens.  Tossed in some jalapenos too.

I made us a salad for dinner on a very hot and humid day.

Organic greens, cooked and shredded chicken, dried cranberries, blue cheese crumbles, glazed pecans, apple slices and homemade pomegranate vinaigrette.  Delicious!  Best vinaigrette I've ever made too!  Recipe is a keeper!

Although I fed this little bugger steak at breakfast, he was sure wanting some of the chicken I was cutting up for the salad.

Homemade Pomegranate Vinaigrette
1 1/2 cups organic pomegranate juice - heat to medium heat and reduce until you have 1/4 cup.  Cool completely.

Whisk in:
(all organic ingredients)
1/3 olive oil
5 tsp. honey
1 Tbsp. white wine vinegar
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
1/4 tsp. black pepper
1/8 tsp. salt

Yield:  2/3 cup approximately


  1. Look at the face on your dog!!! Love it! That salad looks delicious!

  2. Rain, he was actually whining the entire time I cut up chicken too, ha ha! The salad was sooooo good. The dressing was out of this world good.

  3. I second the comment of Rain's . . . that salad looks so good, something you'd get in a gourmet-ish restaurant. (Not that I've ever eaten in a gourmet-ish restaurant.) Okay, it looks like something from a food magazine spread!

    Aren't there some union-type laws about how much your husband can work in a given period of time? Not good for him or his family!

    I could almost feel the heat and humidity in your post. Ugh, no thanks. Our temps in the 80s now and then with the humidity is good enough for me.

  4. I smiled at that little dog, who could resist his whining. The dressing sounds good.

  5. Mama Pea, that salad is soooo good. Yeah, Hubby gets a day off next week. The humidity is crazy thick here.

  6. Thanks mamasmercantile, he got some chicken, ha ha!


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