Thursday, June 20, 2019

Rain ~ Strawberries ~ Green Onions

I tried to enjoy the pretty sunrise just before it clouded over Wed. morning, but it wasn't clouds that sent me inside.  Darn barn cat Aurora, gifted me another rabbit.  Directly under my feet.  Had to leave the area until said animal disappeared.

(homemade flourless brownie, ice cream, homemade whiskey butterscotch sauce)

I didn't have to cook Wed. night due to leftovers, and they were delicious.  I have to stock up on chicken when I locate it again (true organic, locally raised).  I still want to visit a farm about 1 hour from home, but I'm waiting for Hubby's looooong work days to end first so we can go together.

Bad photo, but I got out to buy another flat of strawberries - 8 qts.  I figured the rain will delay their picking, and when that happens, they don't offer a deal on them, and they are limited or out.  

Before I tackled freezing some strawberries, I headed to the herb garden and unburied the green onions.  This was before.  Lots of rain, lots of weeds.  I was tickled to plant 7 starts though.  I got it 90% weeded out until I ran into more ants.  Had to stop anyway, it was getting very hot out.

Rain fell all night long and it's still raining today.  I hope to have a handiwork post for you soon.


  1. The strawberries look delicious. I am not sure how our local strawberries are doing, but I am sure that the rain is not helping at this point.

  2. Poor little bunnies, darn cat; no Easter next year!!

  3. Carol, thanks. It's been a frustrating year for anything that grows outside. I'm planting herbs inside now too.

  4. Mother Em, she was hunting for more the other day, but thankfully didn't bring "gifts" to the porch.

  5. Your dinner looks exactly like the comfort food I love to eat!

  6. HaHa,, I am laughing with you, not at you... our kitty only brings us gophers and birds,,, Your kitty is the winner for biggest gift! lolol!

  7. I've just come across your blog. It's lovely, so interesting. I look forward to reading more.

  8. Oh my gosh Katmom, she has never brought rabbits. Always a mouse. Sigh.

  9. Thank you Anne. I hope you enjoy my blog!


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