Thursday, May 9, 2019

This and That

I'm slowly trying to get order of the homestead.  Thankfully we hired our biker friend to mow the almost 6 acres on the only sunny dry day, while we were gone.  Whew.  

While I put loads of laundry on the line (cold but windy), I picked the asparagus.  It's still doing well for us.

Also, while the washer hummed away, I cooked up dandelions, potatoes, onion, bacon, jalapenos and eggs for a scramble.  Poor Youngest was complaining about missing my cooking.  Not that I was in the mood to jump back in, but it was done.

Hubby is back to work, and in full swing.  It's that time at work where they shut down and work double shifts, 16 hour days for 4-6 weeks.  

Not the greatest picture since it was super windy, but my bleeding hear is in full bloom right now.

A late bloomer.  Nice.  I hope it keeps spreading.  It's the only purple one I have right now.

Our youngest was being bullied (was threatened by a student) at school prior to leaving on our getaway.  So far things are good since we contacted the school, but I still want her to learn to fight.  I refuse to tell my kid to sit there and not fight back (if needed).  Things have really changed in school these days, and they do have outside cameras, but it's still a problem in schools. One girl was suspended and one in-school suspension, but that girl is back in class.  We'll see how the week goes.


  1. Enjoy visiting here, burgundy is a favorite color of mine also. I do hope that the bullying stops for your child. Our son was bullied and the school did nothing about it, we had to go to the police,and the resource officer put a stop to it ASAP. The bully was not suspended or expelled but remained in the school. They said he had alot of issues, and it was noted on his school record. I like your rooster planter, would have picked that up myself had I seen it.

  2. those bleeding hearts sure are pretty, they like shady don't they?

  3. Thanks Faith, my bleeding heart is in the sun mostly, shade early in the morning though.

  4. So sorry to hear about your daughter been bullied I certainly hope now that the school have been informed it will stop. The asparagus looks amazing, one of y favourites for this time of year.

  5. Thanks mamasmercantile, the asparagus is still coming in.


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