Sunday, May 19, 2019

More Rain and Random Ramblings

Woke up to rain showers Saturday morning.  My intention was to do the very last of the flower bed weeding and plant the last of the flowers, drop zinnia seeds and plant glady bulbs.  Everything was soaked.

So frustrating.  Farmers have not been in their fields at all around us.  Zero.  On my way to town, I saw a farmer hook up a sprayer to a 4-wheeler.  A friend of the family told us her father (farmer) is not planting corn at all due to the weather.

Saturday we got up to the 80's, but I couldn't do much work outside.  The bees and wasps were swarming again.  I must get that trap up ASAP.  I however, got 3 hours of weeding done in the mailbox garden.  It was full of grass and I neglected it for 2 years.  This year it'll be spiffy.  I will try and get a photo if the bees and wasps leave the area.  Believe it or not we got zero rain Saturday night.

It's Sunday.  Yay.  The only day my Hubby gets off work.  Guess what?  More rain.  Bwahahahahahahahaha!  Yep. Thunderstorms.  Later in the day.  At first they said 5pm, but now they say 2pm.

He is going to attempt to fire up the tiller and start in the tomato patch first.  Updates on if that even happens later.

I decided to buy myself a little treat to enjoy after planting flowers.

On another note, my mother had been asking where she could buy "baby" flamingos.  I found large ones, but she kept asking, leaving voice mails etc.  I decided to just go on Amazon and poof!  In less than a few minutes, had them ordered and shipped to her house.  She was elated and sent me this photo.

I have to admit.  They do look cute behind the larger one, ha ha!  She has since then planted bright pink wave petunias in that flower bed.


  1. Oh, you really have had your share of rain! And our share, around here we desperately need rain, not only to help nature but to wash away all pollen. Today I noticed our gravel road is yellow! It looks like it's been snowing but... I'n lucky I don't have allergies, but my poor sister isn't so lucky. She hardly can breathe...
    This must be the very first year I've been reading your blog that I have managed to start on veg plot before you.
    It's not good if farmes can't even start planting.

  2. It seems like raining all over the world. We have 5 days of rain... and yes, it is still raining today!

  3. Cute...what would we do without Amazon?

  4. Ulvomr, it's been a very bad year here. We are a bit on the positive side, but still skeptical.

  5. mamasmercantile, I am glad I bought them for Mom. It made her Mother's Day complete.


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