Tuesday, May 28, 2019

It's Bad....just Bad.

We got massive amounts of rain.  Sadly, we will not be planting popcorn, squash of any kind, beets, carrots, cucumbers, greens and more.  We may not even be able to get the sweet potatoes, potatoes or green beans in either.  No way to till, and more rain in the forecast.  It's going to be our biggest loss ever.  Almost makes me want to cry, but there is nothing we can do about it right now.

I could buy buckets for the potatoes, but the cost for them and dirt would out way having to buy them.   The fate of our 100 plus pepper plants has yet to be decided.

It rained all night and it's raining this morning, and rain all day again tomorrow.


  1. Another very difficult gardening year for you. As you say, there's really nothing you can do about the weather, but knowing how important it is to you to grow as much of your food as you can makes me very sympathetic to your situation. That doesn't help, I know, but I can understand your feelings.

    Many years ago, we had an extremely dry spring and summer. I watered and watered my seedlings and sprouts from seeds planted, but day after day they were mowed down by hungry, thirsty grasshoppers. That situation was disheartening, too. There are times when we just can't fight what nature gives us.

  2. 5 gallon buckets are pretty cheap at lowes. You could even find some contractors that you might know to see if they have any they are willing to part with. They usually just throw them away anyway. Used cat litter buckets work too. You can grow anything in containers.
    I know its disheartening but it might be a blessing in disguise to downsize one year and just take some time to relax and enjoy family. We are downsizing this year because grandbabies are little and they cant be out in the heat as long as we can. I'm ok with it and have come to terms with it. Weve always had a huge garden. I think its God's way of wanting me to slow down a bit.

  3. I am so sorry it is not working out as planned or hoped. Just wondering if you could use the soil from the ground for the potatoes and just buy the buckets which will be useful for another year, cutting the costs a little.

  4. You have really been dealt a low blow by the weather. We finally have a break - as a matter of fact, we could use rain now. I wish, for us all, just one year where we could have a reasonable growing season. Hoping the rain subsides and you are able to get plants in the ground.

  5. Mama Pea, it's just been a terrible year. Poo.

  6. Tracy Dixon, I'll need a job to buy all the veggies and fruits if we don't get anything planted. I'm going to check my garden barn for containers of any kind at this point.

  7. mamasmercantile, we were just talking about this the other day, but it's covered in wet weeds.

  8. What a terrible shame Kristina...I'm feeling like it's going to be a disastrous gardening year here too. :(

  9. Rain, it has been a terrible year for too much rain.


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