Monday, May 13, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra today at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Now that we have gotten through Hubby's birthday and mine, and Mother's Day, it's back to the grind.  I was lucky to hear from 3 of my kids on Mother's Day, and a few on my birthday, but tickled that one actually came over to visit me yesterday. 

I just love the wind chime she brought me, along with all the other goodies.

I don't try to expect anything for my birthday nor Mother's Day.  My kids are not the best at calling or even texting, but sure know how to show up when it's their birthdays.  I'll be making changes to that this year.  

Hubby is still working a lot of hours.  He worked 2nd shift last night, getting home after midnight and has to return this morning for first.  But bless is heart for giving some cash to our youngest daughter, so she could go out and buy me a birthday card, cheesecake, flowers and a gift card.  She also wrote me a long Mother's day letter and left it at my "blog station" as she called it.  Bless her heart and for my very tired Hubby making sure I had a nice birthday and Mother's Day.  

And...and yes Hubby gets the award for making my weekend special.  He got home after midnight Saturday night, and got up and made that delicious breakfast (see below), he also took me to a local ice cream shop and brought me home some Amaretto Cherry ice cream.  The business is local, and voted the top ten ice cream stores in the US.  The ice cream was delicious.  He also bought me locally made potato chips and some chicago style popcorn (which is addicting).

On the breakfast plate . . .
Eggs and toast, but this is what Hubby got up and made me for Mother's Day breakfast:
It was so good - potatoes, green bell pepper, onions, bacon, and cheese.  Oh my do I miss his omelets.  It just made my morning.  And toast with wild violet jelly.  Oh my...

The weather . . .
Even though days have passed since I last updated on the rain, as of today, once again 15 days of predicted rain.  We have been hanging around in the lower 50's, cold and cloudy.  We may see a heat up, but the rain hasn't gone away just yet.  I have not even been able to till the garden to prep it for planting.  We should be planting this week.  It's raining this morning.

On my reading pile . . .
A book from the library.  If I get time to start reading it, I'll let you know.

On my TV . . .
Movies we borrowed from the library

On the menu . . .
Chicken spaghetti, asparagus
Tuna and noodle, beets
Pesto past of some sort
....have no idea as we get back to normal around here

New recipe I want to try . . .
Hot Taco Dip, Freezer meat sauce

On my to do list . . .
-master bath
-bedding, laundry
-tidy up computer area
-try and fix vacuum (urgh)
-make a meat sauce to freeze (may not happen this week)
-check asparagus
-deliver soap saver bags to the massage business to sell
-make granola bars

Looking around the house . . .
I have a vase with a rose in it, and a vase with mixed fresh flowers.  Just makes me smile and gave a good day.

From the camera . . .

A cardinal came to the window last Saturday and chirped until I came to the window.  Just so beautiful.

What I am creating . . .
Still finishing up a knitted dishcloth, and actually had some time alone to start on these new items:

Hand crocheted teabag travel totes.  I'll have them up for sale as soon as I get my house back in order.

One of my simple pleasures . . .
Lighting some candles and taking a long relaxing soak in the tub.

Prayers . . . 
A special request from a friend who said her husband is in the hospital, one friend who had surgery, and other personal requests.


  1. What a joy to see the Cardinal, such a beautiful colour. I loved the teabag totes, such a great idea for a little gift for a tea loving friend.

  2. All I can focus on is that melted cheese.... :)
    Your wind chimes are really cute, I'm glad you had a nice day!

  3. I think you should treat your children's birthdays the same way they treat yours. Heavens sake. And good for your youngest - that was thoughtful. And extra kudos to your husband - what a guy! I hope, for both our sakes, that this rain subsides enough to let us have a decent garden this year!

  4. I love the wind chime, so pretty :)

    I haven't yet had lunch and couldn't decide what I wanted, but after seeing your omelet, I think that is exactly what I'm going to have lol

    Hope you have a blessed weekend.

  5. Thanks Rain, that omelet was delicious.

  6. Susan, the daughter that moved back in never came home Sat night, then showed up to the house on Mother's Day, to take a long Hollywood shower, use my washer and dryer and left. No "Happy Mother's Day" to me, nothing. Yep. Things are gonna change for sure. The oldest came here last Feb begging for a birthday cake. I went out of my way to make her favorite dinner, baked a cake, decorated it with frosting, gifted her with gifts and she can't even acknowledge? Not her on Mother's day either. I don't know what's going on with the younger generation, but the younger two are still are doing well. I sure hope it stops raining too.

  7. Thanks Sandra. Hubby makes a mean omelet. So good.

  8. If you give me a few hours, I'll be right over to help you eat that cherry amaretto ice cream ;) Sounds delicious! Sorry some of your kids let you down on Mother's Day, that's tough. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead filled with happiness!

  9. Jean, the ice cream is out of this world. Huge chunks of cherries and chocolate bits in it too. Mmmm. Yeah, my older two girls are a real piece of work lately. Hmpf. Thanks. I hope the week goes well too.

  10. I am so glad your youngest and your hubby made your Birthday and Mothers Day so special for you! I thought we had a lot of rain! 15 days is alot! I pray for your sake it stops!
    Your tea bag carriers are amazing! I enjoyed stopping by hope you have a great week!

  11. What a great husband you have for making your birthday and mother's day special - keep him! My kids do text me for mother's day but I they are at an age where they need their money more than me so I don't mind. we did go to my son's house for supper (we brought the food from the restaurant ;) ) That ice-cream makes me jealous! Have a great week

  12. Those are gorgeous pics of the cardinal you got!

    As far as the kids not acknowledging Mother's Day or your birthday . . . tit for tat, I say. That should jog some noggins!

  13. That omelet looks so good!! Love the tea bag travel totes!! Have a great Monday!

  14. Thanks Mama Pea, I couldn't believe it sat there long enough for me to take the pictures. Yeah, tit for tat for those kids.

  15. Am running behind this week, Kristina! Love the multi-colored eggs! Makes me miss my chickens! :( Cute wind chimes and the omelet looks delicious! I love the little teabag totes you are making! What a great idea! I might need one of those! Blessings for a great rest of the week and weekend! <3


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