Monday, March 11, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Happy Homemaker Monday with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  We are making plans for some building projects with the old barn wood. I am just hoping I can keep Hubby motivated and that we have the time to get them done.  I'll link up after she posts.

Although a bit chilly, laundry is going out this morning.

On the breakfast plate. . .
Bad photo, but it's a scramble with just a bit of bacon, sweet tades, white tades, collards and jalapeno.  Youngest dibbed into my prepared bacon, so Momma wasn't happy this morning when she grabbed the container to find 3 lousy pieces.  GRRRR!

We are still enjoying garden sweet potatoes and jalapenos.

...and a clementine.

The weather outside. . .
Feels like 22°F.  Much calmer than yesterday.  Winds were 30-some mph, and finally died down.

Right now I am . . .
Struggling to adjust to daylight savings time.

Thinking . . . 
I better not forget to spray down the kitchen with anti-ill oil.  Of course after I get the cleaning done.  The kids at schools are getting sick.  Youngest did volunteer work at another school to gain hours for National Honor Society, and said there were kids leaving the set to go to the bathroom sick.  Ugh.  Germs be gone!

On my reading pile . . .
Nothing.  No time to read.  Too much to do.  Crafting more often than not.

On the TV . . . 
Movies I gifted Hubby for Christmas.

On the menu . . .
In no particular order
-Tuna and Noodle, roasted rosemary potatoes, asparagus
-Spaghetti and meatballs with freshly made sauce, roasted brussel sprouts
-Roast, carrots, potatoes, homemade rolls
-Hamburger gravy, mashed tades, steamed broccoli
-something using zucchini
-Breakfast scramble for the next few days, using bacon

On my to-do list . . .
-blanch and freeze dandelion greens 
-sweep and vacuum floors
-make breakfast scramble
-cut netting for scrubbies
-get seed starter supplies set up
-label and put canned pizza sauce away
-crack walnuts
-dinner prep
-cook chicken for homemade dog food

Looking around my house . . .
It's in semi-chaos until this remodel is done, and the wall has been fixed with a closure (still not done).  The toilet and shower in that particular bathroom are in usable shape, but the floor is still ripped up, covered in old rugs for the time being.  Patience, patience, patience......

What I am creating . . .
Cup coaster set with blue roses.

On the camera . . .
The baby chicks are growing fast, and try to escape.  I remember one year, one of the kids said, "um, Mom? There is a chicken walking down the hallway."  Ha ha!  I have chicken wire over the tote they are in, and they'll soon graduate to another home, then finally into the coop with the rest.  It's too early to tell what I ended up with yet.

Something fun to share . . .
Fun for me - we may get a motorcycle ride this week.

Prayers . . .
Kids, us.


  1. Hope you manage to get a break away on your beloved motorcycle. I loved the crochet work, very pretty. The chicks are a delight.

  2. Beautiful blue rose coaster. You are so talented. I really enjoy your can do attitude and reading your blog.

  3. Yum.... the breakfast photo is right up my alley! I love the coaster! So pretty!! Have a great week!!


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