Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Warm up ~ Christmas Deconstruction

Tuesday we woke up to a warm 52°F.  It felt wonderful, but the forecast keeps telling us we'll be dipping into very cold temps soon. I love seeing the sunshine this time of year, and we are getting it off and on now.

Christmas deconstruction is finally done.  There were 4 more totes not in the photo and the trees of course.  These all went back into storage.  Whew!  See that red candy dish on the table?  I bought it at an antique store while on our recent trip. I love it!

I don't have to worry about putting gifts in places.  We did not get anything from anyone but one family member - Hubby got flip flops and a tape measure and I got a ceramic angel.  The angel went in the Christmas totes for next year.

The packing up and taking down wore me out, so no crochet work was done.  Hopefully I will have time today, after tidying up and cleaning one bathroom.  I still have more to get done off my to-do list this week too.

I got my thank you notes written, but need to get them in the mailbox today.  These were written to thank one local lady that makes chocolate truffles where we vacationed, and one to a local business not from our our home. 

As for the mysterious opening of the chicken coop run...I had doubts until the other morning.  I found the bottom of one of the heavy sliding barn doors pulled out, as if a large animal went in.  Those are heavy doors too.  Hubby and I doubted a raccoon could get that latch open, but we considered it.  I got out my handy dandy small animal trap and will set it.  We may or may not find out what it is.  


  1. Lets hope that the animal trap your setting..
    is no danger of harming the animal in question...!!! :(.

    I am against traps..any sort of traps..wildlife should
    be left alone to get on with their lives, 'IN PEACE'..!

  2. Willie, it's a trap that catches with no harm, and they are released elsewhere. We actually have a raccoon rescue that takes them in our area. Oddly this raccoon (if it is) had not found the cat food at the door yet. A fox wouldn't be trapped because they are never seen in action unless it's sick.

  3. You have put me to shame, I have still got Thank you letters to write. My to to list is just getting longer and longer. Love the red dish, what a lovely memento from a beautiful break away.

  4. Hi Kristina what a lovely blog you have ,i am going to enjoy reading your posts,i am also your newest follower ,i hope you will visit and follow me also.
    I hope you find out what is getting into your chicken run. I have also packed away all our xmas decorations,we are in Summer here in Australia which is really nice after such a cold winter,wishing you and your family a Happy and safe New Year xx

  5. Welcome Sheryl, so glad you are enjoying my blog. I will be over to visit yours!


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