Thursday, January 17, 2019

Hunkered In ~ from the handiwork journal

School closed yesterday, so I hunkered down and enjoyed the time.  I put the last touches on the "f" bombs, "swiped" the bathroom sinks, swept, and a few last bits of laundry.

Started new projects too - 

Heart cup coasters - two more to make in blueberry.

Heart bookmarks. My goal is to get several made in different colors.

Sunflower dishcloths.  I think these would be nice using various colors in the center rounds.

I've got a lot more going, so I'll  be back to share.  The weather forecast is being watched a few times a day here lately.  Apparently, now we are to get a blast of bone-chilling temperatures after the snow hits, and it could be as low as -20°F.  We are preparing for it the best we can.


  1. I love all your crochet goodies, they're so pretty. I especially like the heart bookmarks :)

  2. I like the heart bookmarks too. Very nice! Bone-chilling is right. We are in that same cold spell right now, it's around -20F as the high today and it's darn cold. The dogs don't want to go out and poop. I have to dress them all and put on their booties or they can't handle it.

  3. Rain, ha ha! I just got out Jesse's booties to be prepared. He won't like it outside either. Thanks. I gifted my Mom a heart bookmark one year, and dug the pattern back out.

  4. I really love that heart bookmark. I think I will need to make one when I have a spare couple of hours.

  5. Hi Kristina lovely crocheting my friend,beautiful work xx

  6. Lovely crochet projects! Great way to spend time when it’s so cold outside.


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