Monday, January 7, 2019

Home again.....home again.....

One of the last stops on the way home from our honeymoon trip.  Best chicken yet.

There were two things that we didn't like at the cabin.  One - the money game.  The first cabin we ever stayed in did this and we first found it fun, but it took much of our time looking for the hidden money, hiding it again, and leaving clues in a journal.  This cabin had the money hidden so we could see if without hunting for it.  We didn't re-hide the money, just left one or two and wrote down the clues.  We wanted to spend our time with each other and taking off on adventures.

Two - they could use another large skillet.  We almost bought one, but when we return we will take one for this cabin.  I guess not all people cook a homemade meal like we do.  Breakfast time we had difficulty (or should I say Hubby) in getting eggs, french toast, bacon, fried potatoes all done for one meal.  I have however, learned how to cook my bacon in the oven now.  Saved so much time and space cooking too. We found a grocery store like ours, but it was very limited with organic food.  I forgot to take rosemary and cinnamon, and found that, but it was very expensive.  Next trip, I'll remember to take my herbs and spices.

Back to homesteading and self-sufficiency, I got another quart jar of 4 thieves vinegar started...

...and another jar of sage tincture.  We ran into so many people who said their spouse was sick or someone they knew.  We of course shared our remedies, but had the oddest looks given back to us.  I swear by them.  

During that time, Hubby fired up "Big Red" and brought me a load of wood for the wood stove.  The old barn "rubbish" has supplied us well.

It's taking a bit of adjustment to get back to reality at the homestead.  I will be working on responding to comments now that I'm back home.  We rarely had phone service (relying on road signs and maps), so I couldn't access my blog via the internet on my phone either.  To be honest I sort of liked not having service most of the time (ha ha!).

With the trip right after Christmas, our Christmas trees remained up.  Those have to come down this week, along with outside lights.  I have lots on my hooks and needles and will post photos soon I hope.

I'm excited to try new things in 2019, and can't wait for more 20th celebrations with Hubby.  Of course I'm looking forward to more new motorcycle rides as well, a bountiful garden year, hoping we can raise meat birds and new homesteading experiences.  Time (and money) will tell, but I'll give it my all.

Here's to a new year, and lots of new experiences.  And finding yarn sales (ha ha ha!). I am very relieved for the holidays to be over now, and the baking and cooking back to normal at the homestead.  

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