Friday, January 25, 2019

Chillin' ~ Discombobulated ~ Another "Finish"

Bwahahaha!  I can't believe Jesse sat there so long with those sunglasses on.  Some days he just cracks me up. Check out that one eye looking up over the top of the glasses, ha ha!

Thursday was pretty much close to a Monday for me.  Due to weather I was delayed on laundry, chores etc. I have been feeling a bit discombobulated.

It was time for another scramble too.  The garden sweet potatoes still provide.  I added dandelions, green pepper, onion, and jalapeno to it later....along with sausage.  I wanted swiss chard, but we got zero put into the freezer last summer/fall.  I still have beet greens and other greens though.

I baked a loaf of banana bread with organic spices, flax seed, homemade vanilla and locally grown walnuts.

My ham bone and organic (soaked) pinto beans went into a crock pot for soup beans and homemade cornbread.

After all that cooking and baking, I finally did the dishes.  Lots of dishes.  I still manage to dirty quite a bit making everything from scratch.  And for only 3 people too.  That was only one pile of dishes.  I had them on the table and another counter.

Finished another bookmark.

Read a bit, and even journaled a bit.  The more I read, the more creative I get with my writing (although I'm not working on much right now).

I'm still having a bit of trouble replying to your comments.  Hopefully blogger will fix the blip soon.  It seems to happen when I try to reply early in the morning, but not in the afternoon.  I guess I'll be trying afternoons for now.

We are at a wind chill of -5°F this morning.


  1. ooooO! Lots to turn me on to~day.....
    The scramble looks sort of
    winter food, l've yet to keep one for a
    'whole' day..very moreish...! :).

    The bread looks great to..l love it, eat
    loads of it, we Sicilians even eat it with
    And..did you know it's back luck to place
    bread up~side~down..or even throw it away
    for that matter..! :(.

    Oh! And! Ham bone...Love it! Love it! Love it!
    Love any meat on the bone, nowt nicer than
    picking up a bone with meat on it, and making
    a pig of ones self...HeHe! :o).

    And..Jesse has certainly got himself in a bit
    of shade..Bless!
    And..just in case no one knows the meaning...
    Discombobulated..(Verb)..To put together in a
    somewhat mysterious manner. To bring something
    out of a state of confusion or disarray.
    To manufacture by some unusual or novel means..
    (Clear as mud)....

  2. Thanks Willie, that scramble will last a few days during this cold blast. Jesse can be pretty funny sometimes.

  3. Hi Kristina great post,lol love Jesse in the sunglasses so funny. You make lots of yummy food,yes I hate all the dishes at the end,lol,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  4. Thank you Sheryl, it will be another day of washing dishes today, ha ha! Yeah, Jesse can be pretty funny.

  5. Remember when I said Jesse reminds me so much of my old farm dog Abby? Well, we actually have a picture like that of her too with sunglasses on...I wonder if they are distantly related?
    I had scrambled eggs this morning but just plain with bacon on the side leftover from yesterday.
    That is a pile of dishes alright! I know what you mean as I always have dishes....when you cook you get dirty dishes. Even though it's just me, the dogs and cats go through them too.
    Stay warm!

  6. I'm cooking for only two of us and I'm always amazed at the amount of dishes I have to wash! I do believe it comes from making everything from scratch and not using a microwave. When I have mountains of dirty dishes I have to remind myself that it's all worth it for our health and well-being!

  7. Loved seeing Jesse in those sunglasses. What a great word discombobulated...

  8. I hate that discombobulated feeling. Even so, you plowed on through and managed to make a productive day of it. Good for you!

  9. Mama Pea, you are right. I always try to look for the good of all that work.

  10. thanks mamasmercantile and Leigh. Some how we do get work done in one day.


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