Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Arctic Blast Moves In ~ Crochet/Knit bucket list

The news continues to warn us that if we are outside longer than 10 minutes, uncovered skin can get frost bite.  I'm not sure I can get to the barn, take care of the chickens and get back inside in 10 minutes.  I guess we'll be finding out.  My eyeballs are gonna hurt.

Of course the Mom in me, took to calling some of the kids to be prepared for frozen pipes.  The apartment complex that two live in, has this problem.

Barn kitty Aurora hanging out on the sofa with Jesse.  They all get along, even with Tiger.  

To keep warm, I am cleaning and tidying and just organizing where it's needed.  The movement will help warm this gal.

On the hooks:
...and getting marked off my "bucket list" for crochet/knit projects.  I am finally, finally getting these cup coasters off my list.  I think they are gorgeous, and can't wait to get them all made.  I've had this pattern on my list for a few years now, and this winter weather finally gave me the chance.  There is hope for more on the list.

There have been some positive vibes from this cold weather:

1. getting more inside work done
2. getting more crochet/knit items done
3. getting more time to write and read

Oddly school is not even delayed, however Michigan has declared a sate of emergency for tomorrow.


  1. Those new cup coaster are lovely. You do such fine crocheting work, Kristina.

    Our schools are closed for today (Tuesday) and Wednesday because of expected wind chills.

    Do you have any goggles you can wear when outside to protect your eyes? That's a real necessity when having to be outside in this weather. Bundle up!

  2. Mama Pea, I do have goggles! Thanks for the reminder. It wasn't too bad going out today, but once the mail is delivered, I am going straight back into PJ's. Some places have closed but not our school, not even for tomorrow. I am sure they will, but you'd think they'd have closed for the next two days already.

  3. I hadn't thought of goggles - what a good idea! Just the process of bundling up is exhausting. Sounds like you have a good plan for riding out the storm - that rose coaster is simply gorgeous!

  4. Snowing here in North Georgia, and the same arctic air is giving us fits. I brought all the animals into the house or heated spaces in the outbuildings, not fit outdoors for man nor beast.

  5. Thanks Susan, bundling up me and the dog will be exhausting. I have to put booties on him, and he hates that process. He'll love me after he goes outside with them on.

  6. Same here Harry. We are getting snow now, and we'll be plummeting by 7pm

  7. Really do hope you stay warm. LOVE your crochet coasters, how pretty and just perfect for Spring and Summer :)

  8. The coaster is beautiful, such a stunning design. We have had a sprinkling of snow overnight but nothing like the temperatures that you are experiencing. Stay warm.

  9. Hi Kristina love the picture of your furbabies snuggled together on the couch. Wow love your crochet piece its so pretty,keep warm my friend we are having such hot days here in Australia at the moment xx

  10. Here in my part of Minnesota it is the same story. Schools closed today and tomorrow. Some businesses will be closed tomorrow too. Today was terrible due to the wind, and tomorrow looks worse. I do worry about the animals. The chickens are fine in their snug coop but the goats, even in the barn are cold. We'll get through this, we always do but with a predicted low of -38 on Wednesday night, it's going to be tough. Hang in there, and be safe!

  11. Expected -50 F wind chill here tonight in central Illinois. My normal 30 minutes of outdoor chore time (horse, pigs, cow, steers, chicken dogs and cats) took only 17 minutes as I booked it fast! I was wonderfully warm when I made it back inside. Take the time to read. Might I suggest The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society? It's a great book on a cold evening

  12. Debby, I sure hope this passes quickly. I do not have goats right now, and have thought about that, so I surely hope you are safe and your animals too.

  13. Donna, that is pretty darn cold. I am still wondering how cold our temps will get today and tonight. Thanks for the book suggestion. I do not own a copy, but will check the library. I can order it online, but they are closed for the rest of the week. Stay warm!


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