Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wednesday Tidbits

It is in our hopes that Jesse's Mom lets us keep him permanently.  He's had to go out more often due to tumors on his bladder, and he's getting up in the age that surgery is not a good option (he's already had a few).  I felt so bad for him the other night, when he could not get up on our bed.  I pat the bed now, and he'll put his front feet up and wait for me to help him up.  Then he curls up and sleeps.

He's also eating better with homemade food, and I doubt that his Mom will do that for him.  He's been like glue with me most days too and loves to help me feed the chickens.  

He's been getting me up too early, but I do feel it's because he loves to eat again.  Oh my gosh, and you should see how excited he gets when the school bus rolls up, or when Hubby gets home.  He always makes me smile how he trots after both of them for some love.  In fact, I told Hubby that Jesse could use a playmate, so we are seriously considering a puppy next spring.  

My project basket has been overflowing with good progress.  This will be for the last craft show of this year.  Photos to come soon. 

Yesterday was a full day of crochet, several loads of laundry a trip to the "Big City" to return rental movies, pick up chocolates for Christmas baking, a delivery to one daughter, a stop at the grocery store, and dinner with one daughter.  Last night I actually slept past 5:30am.

One of my hens, an araucana, has hurt one of her legs.  We popcicle sticked her leg with tape, in hopes to heal it.  I will be checking on her first thing this morning.  Not sure what happened.


  1. Sorry to hear about the chicken, hope its not too serious.

  2. Bless you for a loving heart and willing heart to meet the needs of an elderly fur friend..

  3. mamasmercantile, thank you. I have no idea what happened to her.

  4. Thanks Katmom, we love Jesse, and he's a blessing to have.


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