Friday, December 28, 2018

One last gathering ~ Winner winner chicken dinner

When I went to feed Tiger yesterday morning, I noticed the bucket gone from my utility room. My first thought?  Oh no.  My youngest is sick now. By 2pm, she had not come downstairs so I tip-toed up the stairs and took a look.  She was sound asleep.

Christmas had me all discombobulated, ha ha!  I woke up thinking it was Wednesday and it was Thursday.  Only one more holiday and I can get back to my "to-do" list and recoup.

My phone was blowing up too.  Apparently, Hubby's family wanted one last get together before one family returns to GA.  Gah!  They asked us to host.  Double Gah!  Hubby said no way, ha ha!  

Even though I am tired of cooking and baking, I whipped up a breakfast scramble with bacon and dandelion greens.  We all could use a dose of detox and nourishment.  I had a lot of dishes to wash, so I thought why not dirty some more.

Within a short time, the family decided to do a "taco" dinner night (Hubby's family).  I am just thankful someone else hosted it. 

Jesse (aka "tater tot") table surfed for the first time ever.  It was chicken of all things.  He does love chicken.  Oye.  We have no idea why after all these years, and he had been fed just prior to that.  I guess we'll have to make sure food is put up from now on.  


  1. Don't you just hate it when they sneak in one more hurrah when your ready for it to be over? Blessing coming your way. Happy New Yer.

  2. This is what happens when you are the hostess with the most-est! Everyone wants to be at your house! Good for your hubby, putting his foot down. That scramble looks so good - after all this rich holiday food, something good and healthy sounds divine. I'm assuming that "tater-tot" now knows what delicious food there is to be had and can't wait for it to be offered.

  3. You are right Carla. Happy New Year to you too.

  4. Ha ha ha! Susan, he was so full, he never begged for his breakfast the next morning. The scramble is delicious. Thanks. Yeah, we are done with parties now.


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