Saturday, November 10, 2018

Star vs. Moon ~ Delivery ~ Spreadable Butter

It's very rare to catch a close up of a star holding my camera (vs. using a tripod).  We saw a very bright star early this morning.  I thought I would share.

The snow eventually turned to rain, then back to snow this morning.   I'll admit, as the wind died down, the slow falling snow was relaxing and pretty.

I got a good laugh the night I made the rolls and chicken teriyaki.  You should have seen Hubby and Daughter packing food for the lunches the next day.  They talked and looked like carnivores, fighting over the leftovers.  Daughter never takes homemade food, but she did this time, ha ha!

I promised one kiddo I'd deliver some of those yummy rolls, so I whipped up some spreadable butter to deliver too.  She was working, and I knew she'd want butter and pop one of those (or more) delicious nuggets of comfort into her mouth.

I wanted to go to the big hardware store too, but could not.  There was an accident at the entrance, and with the rain and snow, I was not going to sit around and wait.  I snagged a good deal on some organic mushrooms though, and popped them into the dehydrator when I got home.

Spreadable Butter
1 cup organic butter, softened
2/3 cup organic olive oil

Mix with an electric hand blender.  You can add a bit of salt if you'd like, but we just use salted butter.  Place in refrigerator until it sets.

We like to make this in winter.  Although our kitchen is next to the living room, the butter typically isn't soft enough to easily butter toast or bread.  There's nothing more frustrating than trying to spread hard butter on soft bread, to make a grilled sandwich.


  1. How to make hard butter spreadable...

    If the air in the room is cold, take a cup of
    warm water (or use your hot breakfast tea if
    you don't mind some butter in it) and put the
    knife into the cup for several second to increase
    its temperature. Spread the butter on the bread
    using the warm knife....Easy~Peasy...!!! :).

  2. I always leave my butter out and I've never had a problem but thanks for the recipe!

  3. Sam I Am, we live in an old farmhouse, and we don't turn up the heat like most folks. Cold is sometimes a good thing, but the woodstove is usually going.

  4. My husband hates soft butter so ours is always in the refridge. We also have a lot of torn bread. :o\

  5. Mama Pea, I love hard butter on a hot roll or biscuit, but not on soft bread.

  6. Hmm, that's a really great idea about the butter. In summer ours is usually soup if it's left out, in winter it's a brick. Adding olive oil would really help and I'm sure that by controlling the amount, the spreadability could be tailored to one's preference.

  7. Leigh, you are so right about summer and butter being almost soup, ha ha! And a brick in winter.


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