Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Teabag Tidbits

Grab a cup of tea and enjoy the tidbits for today:

We woke up to a chilly 34°F and our first frost of the season.

My Monday to-do list had to be re-adjusted.  Rain continued, and high winds kicked in, so less laundry was done and on drying racks indoors, more cauliflower was blanched and put in the freezer, more condensed homemade soups were made and into the freezer (cream of celery, cream of chicken), and more cleaning was done.  These condensed soups are so easy to make.  The recipes are on Simply Scratch online.

Snow is now in our next weekend forecast.  I'm not concerned.  We've had it in October before and it was light and melted quickly. I am concerned about how cold it got last night, but not cold enough to freeze thankfully.  

Good news!  Our 19 year-old daughter was promoted from Asst. manager to Manager of the video rental store she works at.  So proud of her for turning things around at that store.  

Poor Tiger.  His cat world has been turned upside down.  He went from "king of the house" to invaded by dogs.  He's okay with Jesse, but he's unsure of Mia.  He's often in our room with a wide bug-eyed look.  He'll adjust.

We had to laugh at our youngest daughter.  She kept telling us she didn't want dogs here, but lately she has bonded with Mia and is her new best friend.  We often hear her using baby talk with Mia. So funny.

ACK!  I haven't been on top of homemade Christmas gifts, and haven't even started back at it, on account of the last craft show. 

I recently heard on the news that toxin free nail polish may still contain toxins.  I guess I better do more research before I apply it this fall.  I typically treat myself to a little pampering after all the garden work is done.  My summer "nail polish" is dirt, ha ha!  I'd really like to influence the girls, into providing a toxin free nail polish in their future salons.

Sometimes it's good to have my kids ask me to crochet something.  It took me hours to find the pattern, so it's printed and in it's proper "home."  It gave me the motivation to file some herbal recipes, and pickling recipes too. It however, added one more item to my make it "to-do" list.


  1. Thank you for the cream soup website. I have been doing a little bit of everything. It's cold here too...no frost but low 40's which is unusual for this time of year...usually 60's....hopefully it will warm up as I have outside painting to do. I wondered about your nail polish. I used to laugh at Mary Jane Butters Organic lifestyle while wearing toxins on her nails. I don't care but then she shouldn't be pushing her organic lifestyle and products. LOL! I am more live and let live but try in my own ways to not step on the earth or others. Get that wood burner stoked! It's only going to get colder and you don't want arthritis. Take care!

  2. Sam I am, you are welcome, the soups are very easy to make and store nicely in the freezer. I had to laugh at your comment about the toxic nail polish. I have to tell you, that it's expensive to buy toxin free. Yep. Getting the wood burner going. Have a great week.

  3. Snow already, not good. The temperatures have dropped here but it is quite a rarity to get snow thankfully. Th soups look good, like you I have made several variations of soup for busy days.


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