Saturday, October 13, 2018

Lemon Balm Tincture ~ Echinacea Tincture ~ Sage Tincture

Remember all of that lemon balm I grew?   I dehydrated it for teas and tincture making.   Well it's tincture time.  I'm making all three mentioned.  Only one will be made later, as it is currently out of stock and I did not grow it this year (echinacea).

Not only will they be utilized individually, but together.  I have a daughter who often gets canker sores in the fall, after school starts, and this combination is said to work.

You can read about the canker sore relief at LearningHerbs.

The lemon balm tincture can be helpful as a sleep aid, and a lemon balm tea can be used to help sweat out a fever. Lemon balm is soothing and also an astringent.  It helps relieve colds and flu.  It's also known for helping reduce a headache, and an aid to reduce or prevent cold sores.

The sage tincture aids healing sort throats and mouth irritations due to it's antiseptic and astringent qualities.

The echinacea tincture aids the healing process of wounds.  Echinacea has been known to purify the blood.


  1. I use Lemon Balm in many ways...
    But..We have to remember that like ALL home
    made remedies..There can be side affects...

    Lemon balm has the potential to cause the following
    side effects:~
    Painful urination.
    Increased body temperature.
    Stomach pain.

    But, l think the pluses outweigh the minuses....!

  2. Yes Willie, many have side effects so it's always good to use in moderation and with knowledge

  3. Would you share your sage tincture recipe?

  4. Goatldi, I used the instructions from Mountain Rose Herbs online. They explain it using fresh or dried herb.


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