Thursday, October 18, 2018

Brrrr! ~ Chicken Coop Repair ~ Carrots

To all of you who read through yesterday's long post, thank you for your dedication and patience to read through it.  Today's post will be much shorter.

It's was gonna be a cold night last night (second freeze warning), so I trudged out to the barn and brought in more wood.  Hubby is already starting to show the signs of sleep deprivation and exhaustion.  He's a grouch.  He apologized, but he'll need a lot of rest after this long work week.  

It was a chilly 30°F this morning, and the wood stove was going strong.  In October.  So odd.

The coop got a good cleaning, and I stuffed the roost with extra straw.  I had to wait a bit for the temperature to rise, but it was still cold out there.  The ladies and gent will want the warmth in this cooler weather. 

I had to fix their coop ladder too, and as I fixed it I noticed a hole chewed through the chicken wire.   It's between the main coop and the emergency smaller coop (door is shut on it, so it must have a hole in the ceiling of the loft inside).  I haven't gotten eggs for about 5 days now, so do you all think this could be work of a rat?  Possibly living up in the loft?  Hubby and I set traps and fixed the hole.  I'm pretty sure it's a rat.  Just one more thing to deal with right now. First time for this to happen in 10 years.  We have plans to build a new coop, but we have a lot on the "board" right now. 

Carrots were blanched and put into the freezer.  I had to buy them this year, but I have a good start at a winter supply.  I got 5 lbs. put up so far - about 5 meals.

I replaced the smoke alarm batteries.

Feeling a bit off, but thankfully not "sick" Hubby and I have opened a jar of our Four Thieves Vinegar and taken it for the last few days.  I am also sipping fresh ginger tea.  I know we both need rest so I took the rest of the day off.   Tuesday was a check it off task-type day (long day).  I wish I could say the same for Hubby, with the case of a day of rest.


  1. It seems really early to have such low temperatures, is that normal for your area? I was reading a blog earlier where there was several inches of snow. Hope you both manage to get a good rest.

  2. Thanks mamasmercantile, it is early for us to get such cooler temps.

  3. Even though I know it's coming, I am always taken by surprise by the first frost! I finally managed to get the heated bucket set up for the sheep and they were so grateful! Rats are such pests and they can chew through almost anything. I hope you get your chickens secured. Love your 'new' dogs - they are adorable.

  4. Thanks Susan, we haven't had a rat in the barn for 10 years. I'm assuming it's a rat. I hope to get that taken care of. We've had our share of rodents.

  5. Get your rest! You will fall farther behind if you push the envelope and and get sick. Can rats chew through metal? I would think they would just squeeze through the holes...strange. Your frost made me realize I had better bring my plants in. I don't get the local news anymore without satellite so I rely on internet weather. It's coming, I know!
    Stay warm!

  6. Sam I Am, I can only get one local TV channel now, and the news stated we'll have a mild winter. Not sure what to believe yet. Yes, rats are larger than mice and can chew though chicken wire.


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