Thursday, September 20, 2018

Zero Pumpkins ~ Handiwork

There will be no pumpkins this year.  Jack o' lantern nor pie pumpkins.  Such a waste of seeds, time and hard work.  The large one I saw is no longer there. Raccoons or squirrels got to it.

While avoiding the garden like the plague, I've been inside lately.  I'm just not motivated this year.  Whatsoever.  

I was able to get another mug set done.

Made a few cup cozies.

Started on a pair of candy corn earrings and matching necklace.

I'm thinking I may take a blogging hiatus soon. I'm not that perky, I have no comments most of the time (and way less views), and there isn't much to talk about this gardening season.


  1. That sucks about the pumpkins! I only got two and they are tiny. I had one pie pumpkin but it's the size of a grapefruit, so it'll only be for decoration. I only learned this year how to manually pollinate the pumpkin flowers and I tried too late in the season so they didn't have a chance to grow!

  2. Rain, our problem was the weather and having to plant so late. Even though we have a long garden year, it wasn't enough time to produce. Same with the rest of the garden.

  3. I know what you mean about blogging....if you blog you don't have time to visit others and if you visit others you don't have time to blog...much less get the priorities done around the homestead. I have 1 pumpkin that is green...lots of blooms but not sure they'll develop. I didn't water this year as my water bill went up $10 for no reason so I only watered my plants in pots. My hydrangea never bloomed and I think my sugar maple is on it's last is too hot for any living thing here! Including me! LOL! Your crochet mug sets are quite nice and I dearly love your little necklace and earrings too? You are quite the crocheter. I started a crocheted hat but I would rather knit one as in the crochet you have to count every round and it has to be exact or it will mess up the next round and the rounds get too big to count.
    I think everyone has been quite busy this summer and I want to move and if I don't work on that priority I will be up a creek. I'll be 70 in January and with no one to help me I am a slow boat to China as it is. I tire quicker but so far I'm still in good shape and strong but who knows how long that will last...until I go I hope! LOL! Take care!

  4. I'm sorry you'll have no pumpkins this year, that's a bummer. I love your crochet cozies :)

    I'm also sorry you're feeling discouraged with your blog, I used to go through stages like that especially when I didn't have many views or comments, I still don't get many comments. But, I had to remind myself that my blog is my online journal and whether people are reading or responding, doesn't influence whether I blog or not. Truthfully, blogging isn't what it used to be or what made me fall in love with it to begin with.

    There's too much competition and business like blogs around, whereas 12 years ago when I started it was a sense of community, moms sharing their lives and advice and so on. I miss that.

    Sorry I wrote a novel in your comments LOL Anyway, do what feels best for you, I for one love your blog, I just don't get much time to comment or read like I used to.


  5. Such a shame about the garden, damaging wind is an issue for gardening here. We are going to try making an indoor garden out of an old out building by replacing the corrugated metal roof with a clear plastic roof. Its a work in progress/time will tell if we can get anything to grow.

  6. Thanks Sam I Am. The weather has really affected our garden this year, and we have not been able to keep up with the weeding. We gave up on it and let the weeds hold up the tomato plants, and even those are a mess.

  7. Sandra thanks. I know so many people who have gardens are busy putting up food, and since I'm not (cry, cry cry), I tend to forget everyone is busy. It's been a rough year. I need something good to happen for once.

  8. mamasmercantile, if for some odd reason we stay here and not move, we've talked about building a hot house for lengthening our season and getting more harvest. I guess time will tell. We threw in the towel early this year for sure. We both do not have the motivation to even think about planting a garden next year after this year.


I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.