Monday, September 24, 2018

What's been going on . . .

Thursday we had a high of 90°F, Friday we were told by numerous weather sources that we'd get very bad storms, and winds of up to 60mph.  I was out early to pick tomatoes


. . . lost my phone in the jungle of a mess and thanks to a call from my Mom, found it.

I then prepared for a Tsunami, and battened down the hatches.  I took hanging plants down, flags down, etc.  Then nothing happened.  We got a bit of wind, but absolutely no rain whatsoever.  We are thankful about that and thanks for all the good vibes and mojo you sent.

The least amount of dishes to be washed one day.  What a shock that was.  Made the best crock pot soup with the last of our garden potatoes.  

Tiger has the right idea. I survived the weekend.

Friday morning I went out to pick tomatoes, and lost my cell phone in my jungle of a mess.  Sigh.  I found it though thanks to my Mom calling and heard it ringing.  Whew.  So glad I found it before the rain arrived.

In  preparation of the Farmer's Market event, I went through my inventory and took notes on what needed restocked, priced and taken out.

More of these kitchen flower scrubbies were crocheted.  The aqua and pink was already in my tote, I made a few more and then crocheted some flower dishcloths to somewhat match for those wanting sets for themselves, or for gift giving.

Here are the dishcloths.

More pig Christmas tree ornaments were crocheted (sold 3 already).

Here is one pair of hand crocheted candy corn earrings I made too.  These take time and patience, as it uses smaller crochet thread, jewelry tools and I added a bead.

Saturday morning was the Farmer's Market event. Not many vendors but I sold the earrings, and all of my knitted dishcloths but three.  I'm already looking to book a holiday craft bazaar and possibly a third.  Saturday night I took a break from crochet work and went dancing.

Sunday we woke up to 46° weather.  Brr.  The sun was shining though.

We were gifted about 10 pie pumpkins.  I'll be busy putting these in the freezer this week.  So happy to get them too.

My kitchen looks like a yarn store right now, so I better get it back in order.  Dirty dishes everywhere as we took Sunday off from just about everything.  The weather is wonderful, so I hope to get the house in order quickly today.  The weather forecast today says we'll get rain later.  They've been pretty wrong lately, so we'll see.  

What's been goin' on in your neck of the woods?


  1. You've been very productive! Feels good, doesn't it? Nice that you've been doing so well at markets and fairs to sell your items. We didn't get much results from the much anticipated storm either. Oh well, no complaints.

  2. Sure glad the storm didn't happen. Your weather people sound like ours. Guess it's best to be prepared when they say a storm is coming. I just love those little scrubby things and the dish cloths, and the earrings are so cute. I'm amazed at all the work you do.

  3. Soooo wish I could crochet but just can't get the hang of it. Your efforts are fab.

  4. Our temps took a plummet, too, this weekend along with lots of wind and a little rain. The forecast for this whole coming week looks like more of the same. Garden is a little muddy, but I hope to get out there for more cleaning.

    Good to hear your time at the craft event was profitable. I'm thinking the more of them you go to, the more people will hear about and be looking for your products!

  5. Leigh, you are right about the storms - no complaints here either.

  6. Thanks Henny Penny, I make a scrubbie using netting too, but it's time consuming and rough on my hands to crochet. I may show a picture soon.

  7. Mama Pea, thanks. I plan to call another local eatery that has a gift shop, to see if they still sell on consignment too. I need to get out of the kitchen and get back to the garden but it's raining now. Poo.

  8. You are so incredibly talented! Glad the farmers market went well and I would think you will sell out of everything at a holiday market. Also glad to hear you took time out to dance! I am on the hunt for pumpkins, too. I use a lot of pumpkin during the fall and winter and really need to put up my own. I also try to get four or five large pumpkins for the sheep, as they love them and pumpkin/squash seeds are thought to be natural dewormers. I love this fall weather and hope it keeps up - long into December!

  9. Thrilled to hear the storm didn't happen. You have certainly been productive with the craft market, well done.

  10. Thank you Susan! I too am enjoying this cooler weather. I sure hope it holds old for a long fall.

  11. Thanks mamasmercantile. So glad the storms didn't come through too.


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