Saturday, September 1, 2018

Puttin' Up Purslane

One bonus from all this rain and recent heat wave, is that the weeds are galore.  Edible weeds - purslane.

Although this is wonderful fresh, I'm stocking up as much as I can for winter soups and frittatas.

I steam it for a few minutes, and followed the directions found at Mother Earth News online page (regarding harvesting purslane).

I cooled it per their instructions as well, to not wash off the vitamins and minerals - filling a metal bowl with ice water, putting an empty one in the ice water, and cooling the steamed purslane.


  1. We used to see a lot of purslane around here, but very rarely anymore. Wonder why?

  2. is an extremely nutritious weed like dandelion,
    and you can forage for Purslane or cultivate it.
    It's an annual plant, but it grows quickly and has hardy
    seeds that last for years.
    Purslane is versatile and can be eaten raw or cooked....!

  3. Mama Pea, we have it all over this year. One year my garden was full of it. not sure why you are not seeing it.


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