Friday, September 28, 2018

Holy Tomatoes!

We've had a very happy garden moment!  I picked 17.5# of tomatoes on just one picking.  If you've been reading my blog regularly, you know we planted about 100 plants and got under 20# since they started producing.  I wanted to climb the roof and shout it to the world, I was that happy.

How to preserve tomatoes for sauce making.  Rinse and dry tomatoes whole.  Freeze in freezer bags or freezer containers.  Don't forget to label so you know the exact weight.  Thaw and use for sauce making recipes.    By the way, the skin comes right off of these when they thaw.  It didn't help me with my sauce making (I toss them in a pot, and run through a sauce maker), but if you don't have a sauce maker I thought I would share.

Dug this bad boy out for the first time this season.

Such a happy day for me yesterday!!  Tomato sauce!!


  1. No tomatoes here this year but we are hopeful to have everything ready for next year.

  2. Oh joy and dance in the rain , er, sunshine moment! So glad for you that you have a garden victory finally!! You go girl. <3

  3. mamasmercantile, it's been a rough year, so we were so happy to get something canned.

  4. Thank you Goatldi! It was a victory moment for sure.


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