Monday, September 10, 2018

Cool Down and Tidbits

The weather finally gave us some relief with the recent heat, but the rain came with it.  Too wet now to weed.  Not that I'm complaining, ha ha!  The rain forced us to cancel a motorcycle poker run Saturday.  Actually, the event was canceled along with other area events.  The rain wasn't supposed to arrive until late Saturday, but we woke up to rain at 7am.

I'm so organized that it took me a half hour to find the large tote of cotton yarn, ha ha!  Literally.  Had me laughing too.  

I'm busy crocheting more mug/coaster sets.  I have set a confirmed date this month for a Farmer's Market event.  I already have a scarf order for a Christmas present too.  I still need more mugs, but our weekend was a bit of a shock.  I'll try later this week to locate some.

Not much going on here but rain. Lots of rain. We didn't get the 30mph winds they said we would, nor the torrential rainfall, but we did get lots of rain.  To be honest, it felt like winter to us after this last 100°F heat wave.

Friday night I found out at the last minute we were dog sitting.  Yep.  Dog sitting.  For our nephew and his wife.  I wasn't too keen on it, but I wasn't asked either.  But, family helps out family.  It also gave me the chance to see how soon we want to get another dog.  Other than her chasing Tiger, she did pretty well as far as behavior.

There is a reason for things to happen.  We were in town, just pulling into the grocery store, when we got the call.  We should have been on the motorcycle poker run, but like I said....things happen for a reason.

It was our 19 year-old.  She had just been in a car accident and was sobbing.  We zipped right over to the other side of town (a huge event was going on so downtown was shut down and we had to go around, taking side streets).

She is okay, the other driver is okay (barely a scratch), but her car may be getting junked.  The hood has a few dents and the air bags cracked her windshield.  It runs, drives etc but since the air bags deployed she may be buying a new car.  The cost to replace the airbags is very high, and insurance may require they be replaced.  Her hands were pinched under the airbags, and it bruised her wrists.  The Mom that I am, went straight home and whipped up several comfrey poultices for her.  We await the insurance now.  Her car is completely drive-able, but the future of it all depends on the laws regarding airbags.  If we have to spend $800 or more for the airbags, I'm pretty sure we'll sell the engine and parts and spend that money on a newer car.  

The other driver actually got out and pulled her from her car, because he thought her car was on fire.  There was so much dust from the airbags deploying, that both of them thought her car was on fire. 

We are just glad she is okay, but she is very shook up about the whole thing.  It was her first car accident. 

So, all in all, the weekend was us sitting around literally.  We had plans to build a new ramp for the chicken run, but we spent Sunday trying to find a trailer to get Daughter's car from the towing service (they towed it due to the airbags being deployed, so that was $100 plus $15 for every day it sat there.)  We literally drove it home (no towing required), but prayed Hubby didn't get a ticket for a busted windshield.

We were pretty shook up ourselves, although we did very well to contain our emotions around our Daughter.  An adult beverage awaited us Saturday night.

So, how was your weekend? How is the weather at your homestead?  Our 62°F felt like 32°F, but I'm told we'll heat back up again in a week or so.


  1. Glad your daughter is ok - or as ok as she can be after being involved in a car accident. Those kinds of calls will get the adrenalin pumping, for certain!

  2. Thanks Vicki, she is in a panic about the cost of a new car if that's what it comes down to. We just put a new engine in it about a year ago too. We are so glad she is okay.

  3. How was my weekend? A heck of a lot better than yours! Car accidents are upsetting, to say the least, but as long as no one was seriously injured, everything else is easy to fix. (Well, not easy [$$$} and there's always the time involved but you know what I mean.)

    I did some weeding this weekend and our soil is so dry again I'm thinking of waiting until we get more rain so it's not so hard. Never just right, is it?

  4. I'm glad your daughter is ok.
    Love the mug hugger and coaster - hummm... I think I'll add that to my crafting list in 2019. Would love to see pictures of the scarves.
    Have a great week

  5. My goodness I am so glad that your daughter is doing well, what a shock for you all. Whilst it is a worry about the money for repairs or a new car thankfully she is safe. Love the mug/coaster sets.

  6. Luludou, thanks. I love making the mug sets. I'll post one scarf tomorrow.

  7. Mama Pea, I wish I could send you some of our rain.'s been raining here for 4 days now. It's ugly out too.

  8. Thanks mamasmercantile. I hope to get some more mug sets made soon, and hope to share them. Yeah, we are so glad Daughter is okay. She'll have a ticket to pay, pay for a new windshield and had to already shell out $125 for the tow service (which really was a waste because the car was drive-able).

  9. Accidents are scary stuff if you don't have the details before getting to the sight of one.Glad that for the most part things were on the low key end. Hope the week goes smoother both weather and family wise. If you get done with the rain feel free to send it to Shasta county.

  10. Goatldi, we had rain for 4 days. I wish I could send it to those in need.


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