Monday, August 20, 2018

Weekend Updates

An Uncle of mine passed away and we had yet another family funeral to attend over the weekend.  He was 89, and a Korean veteran.  He was such a jokester and had a good full life, but pancreatic cancer took him suddenly and quickly.  It was a beautiful service, and we rode the Harley.  Uncle G. loved our Harley and I'm sure he was smiling in Heaven as we rode to his final resting place.  Such a beautiful day and my cousin's tribute at the church was downright emotional.  There were US Army soldiers there to do the flag folding, and a gun salute.  Just a very nice service.

Sunday morning we found out that a woman we rode with last year (in a group), was killed in a motorcycle accident.  She took a curve badly, tried to correct herself and hit a car.  No helmet.  

Remember that tall stack of library books?  I found recipes for dehydrator cookies and gave them a try.  We love these!  No eggs, no butter, and delicious.  Next time I'll put mini chips in them, but I'll soon try the peanut butter cookie recipe too.  These were oatmeal.

Here is the book the recipe is in.  I'm not an "idiot" when it comes to using my dehydrator, but there are hidden gems in many library books, so I always take a look.

Sunday morning I dug up the potatoes.  I'll have another post for that.

I also went out to do the first official tomato picking, expecting more than I got - 2 lbs.  Literally.  I need 45 lbs. to make sauce, or at least 25 for a half batch.  I am so disappointed this year.  It's definitely not going to be another 500+ lb tomato year.  They are small too. Too small.

The baby birds are born now, and they have left the nest.

Turnips were a failure.  They are small, and not very many survived.


  1. Condolences on your losses of both your Uncle and your friend. So sorry to hear about your small harvest this year, heart rendering after all your hard work.

  2. It has been a challenging year for you, all right, in almost every way. I am hoping to learn from this year's garden. While I did enjoy my work-for-vege deal with my friend, I did find that there were a lot of different vegetables that either she didn't grow or that she saved just for sale. I think I will be better off with a small, but carefully planned garden. Presuming that Mother Nature will not hand us another extreme year.

  3. mamasmercantile, thank you. The garden has been quite a challenge this year.

  4. Susan, I am going to be much more careful (if that's possible) next year. Oye.


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