Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Gardening and Stocking Up ~ Another HOT day

The garden has been nothing but a struggle this year.  

On the up side. . .and all done in 2 days . . .

I got a small batch of salsa canned, and some tomatoes made it to the freezer.  I left the jalapeno seeds in this time.  I'm labeling these jars "ON FIRE!"  Boy is it hot. Super hot.  Hubby loves it.  I do not.  Next batch, if there is one, will not have the seeds left in. It's a new recipe for me to try (Ball book recipe), but it fit my need with how many tomatoes I had.

Onion soup made it's way to the freezer - 12 pints made.

Another batch of Cowboy Candy was canned.

A small bit of green beans went into the freezer, and some into our tummies.

Since we don't have a root cellar or basement (yet), the tiniest of the potatoes were boiled with the green beans, with bacon and bacon fat added.  One of our garden favorites.

A batch of zucchini meatballs made it's way to the freezer.  Bought the zucchini from a neighbor down the road, who has a produce stand.  I also got more jalapenos from him too.  I actually added diced jalapenos to these.  I should have double the recipe with winter around the corner.  Guess I'll put it on my list of to-do's along with our beef/pork meatballs.  Gotta get it done before the freezer fills up, or it'll be stuck to the upper racks (again).

A veggie frittata, loaded with dandelion greens, was made for us early birds for breakfast.

...and because it was so stinkin' hot (some area schools let out early due to no AC in the schools), I made a cold dinner - Mexican Quinoa (using thawed and cooked corn off the cob, leftover zucchini salsa and some fresh grape and cherry tomatoes).  After I took that photo, I took treats to the hens, and found purslane.  I added some to the dish.  

I'm already writing up a plan for next year's garden.  We may be moving it though.  I know cabbage, watermelon (and other various fruits), along with more tomatoes will be on the list.  Then I can supplement Stud Muffin and the ladies to offset the cost of expensive organic feed.  Oatmeal, only if I can locate it bulk and cheap (for the hens).

Our oldest daughter stopped in with grand-pup Mia.  I'm gonna have to get some dog treats made for their future visits.  She of course raided the fridge.

So, are you wondering what I'll be doing on a hot rainy day?  Most likely cleaning indoors.



  1. I just can't believe all the canning and freezing and cooking you get done. I feel proud just to get supper on the table at night. :) I'm already thinking about next year's garden too. I need more tomatoes and green beans. I canned nothing this summer.

  2. Ooof, that hot weather of yours just will not quit! We've finally had a break in ours and have had a couple of cool nights that allow for good sleeping again which is SO welcome! The forecast for out high today is only the high 60s. I can hardly believe that. I may have to wear a sweatshirt when starting to work in the garden!

    You're making good use of what you can scrounge from your garden and pick up locally. Every little bit we manage to get put by is better than money in the bank, as you know.

  3. What a sense of satisfaction you must get with all your canned and frozen "goodies". It is hot here..."the dog days of summer" for sure. Fall is right around the corner though!

  4. Henny Penny, I actually can a lot more, but the garden bounty is low this year. I can taco sauce, tomato sauce, pizza sauce, tomato paste, BBQ sauce, crushed tomatoes...just not enough tomatoes this year.

  5. Mama Pea, it's been way too hot to do anything outdoors, and the weeds are growing like crazy. I may get caught up by next spring, lol!

  6. Sam I Am, I am looking forward to cooler weather, but I'm hoping this heat wave gives me more tomatoes too. It's been one heck of a year.

  7. So happy I'm not the only one who cooks, cleans, preserves, cans, freezes all day in the summer. I just get the kitchen cleaned up and dang if it isn't time for another meal! Well done you. You've worked very hard giving you a great big virtual pat on the back from Illinois

  8. Thanks Donna, I think I washed dishes 45 times, ha ha!


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