Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Garden Clean Up ~ Deep Cleaning ~ Stocking Up

The garden clean up has begun.   Garlic bed is mostly cleaned out, ready to till when we can, to prep it for replanting.  More mowing.

Weeds are being mowed down when they can, otherwise hand pulled, radish plants will be pulled next, along with the weeds in the turnips.  We'll soon unveil whether we have any.

My washing machine is now cleaned and sanitized.  My washer actually has a cycle for that.

The top and sides of the fridge were washed and cleaned too, fridge pulled out, floor mopped, water jug stand cleaned, floor under it mopped and sanitized too.  Basket liners washed, dried and put back, and another list of other "to-do's" was started.

I got 6 lbs. of organic broccoli blanched and in the freezer, about 3 lbs. of green/wax beans, and 2 batches of Cowboy Candy canned.  All those veggies were purchased.  It's a bit sad I had to buy them, but glad I have it stocked up, but really need more green beans.

Those extra stuffed shells I put in the freezer came out faster than I expected.  It wasn't for us however. It's always nice to have a ready made meal for other reasons.  A good friend of the family broke her ankle in 3 places.  We signed up to help bring her a meal.

We had a good weekend.  Mowing took much of the time, or I should say fixing the mower.  Despite that, we got two short motorcycle rides, and Youngest had a campfire party for the end of summer, with her friends.  I think she invited half the county, ha ha!  She starts back to school tomorrow.

Speaking of school, we paid $187.00 for her school uniforms, and they have not arrived, so we had to run to town and buy specific clothing on top of that, spending another $100.00 just to start school.  That doesn't include supplies.  We'll find out what she needs once she starts.

On the agenda for today?  Weeding.  Lots and lots of weeding.


  1. HI Kristina - haven't had time to read blogs daily like I used to but like to check in on yours now and then to see what you are up to - busy as usual! I just don't know how you do it all - I haven't had my fridge out in quite some time - thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Debby, thanks for visiting. I know this time of year is very busy for everyone. I found some buried treasures under my fridge too, ha ha!

  3. Thanks to constant rain or too high temps, my currant bushes were a bust this year - first time ever. I had hoped to make some cowboy candy but am still waiting for jalapenos. I may be sitting here waiting in February. Glad to see you still have plenty to do! :)

  4. Susan, it's horribly hot again here and weeding is no fun. I even lost my fitbit, which has irritated me today. I had to buy my jalapenos. I have some, but not enough.

  5. You are an inspiration. I consider it an accomplishment to get everything dusted , mopped and swept. It doesn't help I have 42 acres of soil, er, dirt to blow around daily. I will live vicariously through you.

  6. You never seem to stop, you are an inspiration. I am so glad I don't have the worry of school things to buy anymore.

  7. mamasmercantile, we spend quite a bit on school. She came home after 2 days and now needs field trip money. I also have to pay a fee to her old high school, even though she is going to the vocational school. Always something.


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