Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Time for sweet corn and blueberries

Monday was not about the garden, it was about dropping another $200 for Youngest - school uniforms, photos etc.  It will still save us in the long run, but man.  School is not cheap.  That doesn't include her shoes, supplies and other necessary clothing.  They told us we'd spend only 1 hour there, but ended up spending 2 hours, and it was a 30 minute drive there and back.  We didn't get home until almost 2 pm.

Rain was in the forecast again, but the weather man has been wrong this year.  So wrong.  We need more, so I was hoping they were right for a change.  We didn't get any, and it's in today's forecast too (slight chance).

I had food to freeze, and a lot of it.  Despite rain and dry/hot weather, the cucumbers, zucchini and other stuff needed dealt with.

Three bags (slightly short of 3 bushels) brought home.  We'll need a tractor to plant this much sweet corn in the future.

The fun started.  

Youngest and I shucked the first bag while Hubby went to work on a call out. Tuesday I got a double batch of corn frozen, but we have two more bags to shuck yet.  Here is my recipe to freeze corn - freezing corn.

I finally found not one, but two sources for MI blueberries.  The last time we were able to obtain them, the 10 lb. boxes were $31.00.  The price this year, despite a bad blueberry year was $27/10 lb. box.

Twenty pounds of deliciousness.  I'm so happy to find a source and so happy to restock, but like I said, things are all happening at once.  It's a good deal too.  They were selling them $7/qt.

The minute I started working on the corn, Tiger was meowing like crazy.  To get him to stop, I gifted him a cleaned corn cob, and he loved it.  Soon after, he was napping peacefully.  He's such a cutie.

The chickens got to clean off some corn cobs too, so everyone was happy.  We even had some corn on the cob with our dinner last night.  

Today is going to be super busy, packed with work, so I'm praying I can get it done.  I'll have to clean up and then make dinner too.  But first, the garden.


  1. Yep, 'tis the time when the harvesting begins! Wouldn't it be wonderful if it could all be spaced out over about four months? Haha. It just doesn't happen that way. And yet I think it feels kinda good and give definition to the seasons. If we can keep our sanity while it's all going on!

  2. There seems to be abundance of corn in the shops at the moment so I am going to freeze some for the colder months. I love to have a taste of summer in the Winter. I am so glad I don't have the worry of school supplies anymore, we help out with the Grandchildren so I feel your pain.

  3. Mama Pea, yes, keeping my sanity is a challenge this week ha ha!

  4. mamasmercantile, this is our last kiddo still in high school. She has one more year after this too.

  5. So funny Tiger likes corn cobs! We have a cat that begs for ice cubes. My blueberry bush has been slow this year, and the last time I picked I left a bunch of small ones. They had turned blue but needed time to get plump and sweet. Went out yesterday to get them and the birds had eaten them all!

  6. Leigh, Tiger loves to naw on a cleaned cob. When we first started to freeze corn off the cob, he and Jasper would beg for them along with the husks. My blackberries are loaded, and I check them every day so the birds don't get them. I do have a net, but haven't put it out yet.


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