Friday, July 20, 2018

Random Tidbits

This was the sunrise a few mornings back.  It was absolutely stunning.  The photo doesn't show the pink it had, but it was beautiful.

Guess who visits me about 7am every morning?  Look closer.  The chickadee was going in his/her nest.  Funny how it goes right in there, so close to me, and while I'm on the porch.  I now talk to the plant before watering it (ha ha!), just to make sure I don't drown it or have it fly out and scare the pants off of me.

Well, it really must be Christmas in July.  I got another green egg.  Hm.  I only have 2 of those chickens in my clan, but I'll be happy to get any from them.

After this year's debacle of a garden (weed fest), Hubby now wants to move to move the garden. No way I am moving it.  Where it's at, it's protected from the farm poison.  A tractor and bush hog are now at the very tippy top of the wish list, but the weather is still to blame.  We just have a lot of costly expenses this year, so it'll have to wait.

We finally sent off the check for Youngest to get her last of the driver's ed done.  She'll get picked up from the house in the car, and do her driving time.  They drop her off too, so it's easy peasy, but costs another $250.00.

Someone remind me I have red raspberries in the freezer on a tray.  I so often flash freeze them, and forget they are in there, ha ha!

I came in from gardening, and found Youngest pilfering through my books on one of the kitchen tables.  I just broke out laughing, but I'm so glad she's doing something other than social media or watching movies.  She helps with housework while I'm outside too.  The books haven't been sorted and put back yet, so my kitchen looks like a messy library, ha ha!


  1. Such a beautiful sunrise, well worth getting up for.

  2. There has been more than one night as I was falling asleep in bed that I remembered the tray or two of berries and/or veggies set to flash freeze in the freezer. Up I shoot and go package them so they don't start to pick up moisture from the freezer. Yep, been there, done that!

  3. Mama Pea, you made me chuckle. Yep. I do it all the time, ha ha!


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