Saturday, July 14, 2018

Pre-Weekend Update ~ Finished

The weeding continues daily.  I have to make decisions on which is more important, and sooooo mucchhhhhh needs weeded.  It's a battle of water one day, weed the next, because it's been getting fried here on a constant basis.   

If you've ever weeded carrots, you feel my pain.  Pictures to come soon.

I woke up "sleeping beauty" (Youngest) and took off to the Big City and loaded up the truck with wood again, while Hubby was at work. It was another full load. I plan to unload the rest of it today.  Youngest took off on a weekend getaway, and Hubby has to work, so it's me on my own with work today.

The zucchini has been providing meals and a bit has made it's way in the freezer.

I mixed up a corn, onion, and zucchini saute for a side.  We love it.  I simply pull a bag of frozen, off the cob, sweet corn and allow it to thaw.  Click - here - to find my recipe to freeze corn off the cob.

Dice one onion, and saute it in organic butter with diced zucchini (however much you want to add).  Toss in the corn when the onion and zucchini are cooked, and season with salt and pepper.  The corn (if you use frozen, off the cob the way I do), will add water to the pan.  Just simmer until it's cooked off.  It's delicious.  There is already butter in the frozen sweet corn, so it's super delicious.

Finished. My lapghan.  Believe it or not, I got to the last row of blue and ran out, and thought "there is no way I'm buying more yarn to finish this."  Guess what?  I found more of the same color in my stash.  Happy to finish it and it's on the front porch rocker for now, and more stash went to good use (and out of my closet).

Hubby's sister "P" went into the hospital for pneumonia and wanted to visit her. I told him to drop me at Mom's for a visit and he could go to the hospital.  I reminded him to wash his hands too.  No way was I going in there.  However, he messaged me he was working over, and never got home until almost 11pm.

I've been dehydrating serviceberries in the early mornings.  It's too hot to run it during the day, but mornings and nights work for me.

These very hot days have reminded me that a solar oven would come in handy.  The grill is great, but a solar oven would help even more.  I hate heating up my house when it's this hot out.

I've collected two new recipes to try for Christmas now.  I hope to try them out soon.  Have you been thinking about Christmas yet?


  1. Yes I have as I make some of my gifts. Once the nights start drawing in and we sit around the stove I love to browse some of my cookbooks and choose something new to try during the holiday season. I feel your pain with all that weeding.

  2. mamasmercantile, I love looking through cookbooks.


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