Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Midweek Tidbits

Youngest is finally home, after a 5 day camping, roller coaster riding, swimming and what not summer vacation.  I'm glad she got to go.  Tiger (her cat) has been so happy to have her back home.

I got the third load of wood unloaded and stacked.  One more truck load to pick up.  I think between the battle of the weeds everywhere (especially the  condition of the garden), the heat and working with wood, I've been a bit crabby.  I made a nice nettle tea infusion for both Hubby and I (for exhaustion).

The only thing getting cooked or baked here (besides meals) is a big batch of whole wheat blueberry pancakes.  Now we don't have to make breakfast the rest of the week too.  It's been hot again - heat index of 95°F.

(that's just a bowl with pretzel pictures on it, the zucchini is not laying in a bunch of pretzels, ha ha!)

Yesterday's garden goodies.  I had to decide if I wanted the zucchini for dinner or freeze it.  Dinner won.  Zucchini Linguine with walnuts.  Only I didn't have linguine noodles made, so I used a box of non-gmo bow ties.  The peas will be creamed peas and toast, and the raspberries will be frozen for jam and pie.

What's in the craft basket right now?  Well, a few things, but it all depends on the weather.  It's been too hot to work on this lapghan.  I had all intentions on selling this one, but I'm keeping it.  The red yarn came from my Aunt J and that makes it very special to us.  Hubby loves it too. I will just have to wait and buy more red yarn and make one for sale later.  Right now, my projects have been centered on decluttering the yarn in my closet.

This knitted dishcloth has been in a craft bag for months now, but it's back out during the hot days.  I can't work on larger projects when the heat is so bad.  Especially the humidity.  I really enjoy my porch, so I have been taking smaller projects out there lately.

Hubby and I have been skipping evening TV time for card playing on the porch (with a fan on). 

Does anyone have a re-purpose idea for this old cloth tablecloth? Its a long one, but has large stains.  I used to take it camping, but I have some already in the camper too.  I thought about pillows, but don't really need any.  It's not enough material (around the stains) to use for curtains either.


  1. How about using the checked tablecloth fabric for an apron or two?? Or napkins?

  2. Mama Pea, those are great ideas. Thanks!

  3. How about cutting out the good pieces and using them in making a quilt for your camper, or maybe a BBQ apron :) I've got to get out in the garden and pick green beans today. Thinking about making Dilly Beans.
    Have a sweet day,
    Connie :)

  4. Connie, thanks for the ideas too. I've wanted to make Dilly beans for a few years, but never got the time. This year may be a bad year for our beans too.

  5. Pre-making pancakes is a great idea! I know what you mean about knitting in this weather. I've got a few things on the needles and they are not making much progress. I'm for the apron, too! I love checked fabric.

  6. I would make an apron, I have been collecting old tablecloths from the early 1900's at estate sales and plan to make a lot of aprons for the family.

    It is horribly hot here in Utah also, although we don't have the humidity. but hotter than normal for July.

    I am ready for fall !!

  7. Thanks Susan, I'll have to check my stash and see if I have any patterns to use to make an apron.

  8. Thanks Grandma Zee. It's definitely been a very hot and humid summer for us.


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