Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Husking Corn

A few friends have been telling me to try husking the corn this way - boil with the husks on, then remove.  Of course this isn't a good way to do it for freezing it, but eating and otherwise.  I'll be honest, I'm sticking to the old fashioned way.  There was still hair on the corn, and I could not fit as many cobs in my largest pot with the husks on.


  1. I think that husking corn is a lot like hard-boiling eggs. There are at least 20 'best' ways to do it. I want to try grilling corn this year - it's the only thing I haven't done to corn!

  2. Susan, we have taken corn on the cob camping and cooked it over the campfire. We soaked them in water first and it worked great.


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