Sunday, July 29, 2018

Hittin' the Road

Friday started with a much more relaxing day.  Less to do, although the list is long.  I just chose to ignore most of it.  I had a bad night Thursday night, which involved a coughing fit.  I tend to go into panic mode when I even get a sniffle.  Thankfully, with Hubby's support and my essential diffuser, I made it through the night with some sleep.  I haven't been drinking my nettle tea for allergies and it was wham-bam experience.  I got side tracked from regular, natural allergy maintenance.  A tea infusion was waiting for me Friday morning though.

Homemade hand foaming soap was refilled, along with a 5 gallon bucket of homemade laundry soap.  Thankfully we got some rain, so it was a non-gardening day.

I did a few essential oil steams just to make sure I was not going to have another night of uncomfortable coughing.    Good gravy, what was I thinking when I wasn't making it this the past few weeks?  I guess hitting the garden early every single day, I just plum forgot about it.  The cottonwood is flying everywhere right now.

Saturday Hubby and I hit the road.  We both needed it.  A long motorcycle ride with friends and family to get a well known bologna sandwich, where they sell (what I call) mile high pie.  You can't even get cell service in their tavern either.  And not much in the surrounding town.

As for a camping getaway, I've been bugging Hubby to get that new hitch on the truck.  We'll see if it happens any day soon.


  1. Sometimes THE BIG LIST just seems to take over all sensibilities we have! And it can take a while to climb out of the "must do" hole before we begin to see with a sane mind. Fortunately, we all do get back on track. Just gotta keep reminding ourselves that this, too, will pass and easier times make it all feel better!

    Glad you and hubby got out for your ride. :o}

  2. Prayers bronchitis/pneumonia isn't setting in. I know what it feels like, having it experienced it often since my teen years. The VA gave me a shot for it last fall. We'll see if it works. ;)
    I've been hungering for the mountains myself lately. Very strongly. But at my age and with my health, I need to stick close to VA medical centers.
    God bless.

  3. Sounds like the bike ride did the trick and a little break away helped. Doesn't hurt to take a break from all the chores now and again, you are one busy lady.

  4. Oh no, being "normal" sick is a drag, but allergies are the worst. It would be so hard to keep vigilant in keeping them under control. You're very brave to live the lifestyle you do with such a challenge. What essential oils do you use? We found eucalyptus oil was the best for my son's asthma.

  5. mamasmercantile, thanks. I was nice to get a break.

  6. Leigh, I love eucalyptus oil too, but I found thyme oil to be helpful in killing off any germs in a room too (in a diffuser). Just a few drops in it. One night I used both thyme oil and eucalyptus and Hubby woke up blowing his nose.

  7. Thanks Kristina, that's good to know.


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