Monday, July 16, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.  Sunday we fried.  It was 92°F with a heat index of 99°F.  We literally didn't go outside much at all.  Hubby and I hit the garden work first, but it was too hot and humid to be outside.  We even said no to a motorcycle ride to get ice cream.  It was that hot. 

Today, rain is once again in the forecast, and we may actually get some this time.  It's to rain all day, so first on the to-do list is work on the green beans in the garden.  If I can resurrect the second row, we plan to mow down the last two and replant.

On the breakfast plate. . .
Eggs, toast with home canned jam, coffee

The weather outside is . . .
It's hot and humid, and we are praying we finally get rain.

On my reading pile . . .
Herbal books from the library.

On the TV . . .
McCleod's Daughters

On the menu . . .
-organic roast, carrots, potatoes and onion
-stuffed shells, steamed broccoli
-chicken with home canned hot pepper mustard sauce, wild rice and beets
-egg salad sandwiches

On the weekly to-do list . . .
-work in the green beans in the garden
-shampoo half of the hallway carpet
-hang the last new curtain in the front room
-wash the front door curtain and wash down window and door
-dinner prep
-make a batch of homemade baking mix
-make homemade taco mix
-work on purging more books

What I am crocheting, knitting, sewing or creating. . .
Two lapghans, another set crocheted ice pop holders, and a knitted dishcloth

New recipe I tried . . .
Whiskey Balls.  They are pretty good too.  I adjusted a recipe from my Maker's Mark cookbook.  I used non-gmo organic chocolate crisp rice cereal, and organic ingredients.  You can't find a non-gmo, organic marshmallow whip, but you can make it homemade.  I found a recipe online at Attainable Sustainable.

Whiskey Balls

1 cup organic non-gmo chocolate chips
7 oz. marshmallow fluff (see recipe link above)
2-3 Tbsp. whiskey
3 cups organic crisp rice cereal
1/2 cup organic coconut
3/4 cup walnuts, finely chopped

Melt chocolate, let cool but not harden.  Mix in the marshmallow and whiskey.  Add remaining ingredients.  Form into 1 inch balls and chill.  I used my large cooking scoop and it worked great.  They were larger, so next time for a larger Christmas crowd, I'll use the smaller and probably get about 5 dozen.

Next on the try it list are some serviceberry recipes.

From the camera . . .
I think my auracanas think it's Christmas in July.  I have gotten one of their eggs since last Christmas.

We had 3 visits in one day from this hummingbird.  It has a red chest.

In one day, a chickadee built a nest in one of my hanging pots.  He paid me a visit this morning too.  

Looking forward to. . .


  1. Here's hoping you get the rain that you are praying for.

  2. We are hoping for rain, soon, too. It has been so dry! I'm ready for fall.

  3. Susan, I am about to do a rain dance. Our rain forecast has been pushed back now.

  4. We've had temps in the mid-80s with much wind all day. Hope things aren't getting too dried out. I watered the whole garden first thing this morning. No rain in sight for us. :o(

  5. Hope you get your rain. So much drought, I think we're right on the edges of it here. Lucky you to get a chikadee nest in one of your pots. That must be so fun to watch. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  6. Jean, we didn't get rain, but we got 2 more hummingbird visits. He loves my flowers. He or she.

  7. SUPER hot here too! Hope you found relief in some rain. Those whiskey balls sound really good! Yummy! Have a GREAT rest of the week.

  8. Tamy, thanks. the whiskey balls are very good, and lasting a long time with just one kiddo living here now. I will be rolling them in extra coconut and walnuts at Christmas, so I'm hoping for more locally grown walnuts this year too. If it rains, I'll be having a very happy weekend.


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