Thursday, June 14, 2018

Random Tidbits

Although I haven't been looking forward to it, Youngest and I did some house cleaning.  I spent until noon filing recipes, bills, sorting, vacuuming...dishes.

It was too wet to garden, too wet to till to plant...same ol' story.  Hubby worked over too, so I got a bit of crochet time in.  The ice pop holders are back under construction for my nephew.  

The deconstruction of the house is under way to reconstruct.  Books are coming off bookshelves, dusting underway, and possible moving of furniture, carpets shampooed. Purging, reorganizing and finally getting the house they way we want it. That's the plan anyway.

The good news, is that our June bearing plants are doing great for the second year.  We will be buying a boat load next spring.  We won't have enough to make jam or freeze, but will enjoy what we get.  The snap peas didn't come up due to our weather, so we will also be enjoying them, unless we get a spurt and I get enough to freeze.  It's way to late, and hot to replant. 

Someone had asked about the dogs recently.  Our 18, soon to turn 19 year-old became very attached to them, and they moved out with her.  Our 21 year-old moved out with her, and took old man Jesse.  We miss them dearly, but Youngest got to go spend the night and cuddle on them.  King woke her up with his tire toy (his favorite), shoving it in her face, ha ha!  We have plans to get a dog, but need to plan a fenced area first.  We have a HUGE to-do list and will need to start picking which ones win this summer.

Speaking of summer, we have a heat wave coming through this weekend.  A certain person in the family volunteered our place for a Father's day camp-out.  I gave Hubby my 2 cents worth, and it'll happen elsewhere.  We don't have our air conditioners in downstairs yet, and I don't see it happening (maybe one) by Friday. It'll be way to hot to tent camp anyway.

I still have a slight cough (treating with essential oil steams and rubs, gargling with salt water, nasal salt water spray etc.), and would like to not push myself into a tizzy getting the place ready for company.  It'll be much better for my health to do what I want as I want, and not be overwhelmed.  Also, there was no one volunteering to bring food, and that would mean me in a super tizzy with food prep (heating up the downstairs on top of a heat wave).  Yeah, it wasn't going to work.  For my sanity anyway.  Besides, I want to visit my own Dad Sunday and take him a home cooked meal.

I'm finally seeing the freedom of cooking smaller meals, and food lasting longer here.  I love the kids, but sheesh, I can make half the amount and still have extra for Hubby's lunch for work.  We still have veggies in the freezer, so that makes me super happy.  We enjoyed beets with homemade tuna and noodles last night.  I used my last "can" of homemade mushroom soup and it was super-i-ty delicious.

The humidity was hor-i-ble yesterday morning (90%), but this morning it's much, much better.  Here's hoping for the ground dry enough to plant something.


  1. I hope your heat wave dries things up for you. We are in need of some sunshine here in the mountains too. It's been rainy and dreadfully humid the last week! But...everything is pushing through the soil, I'm seeing little seedlings everywhere so that makes me very happy!

  2. Rain, I may very well need to wait until the heat wave ends to be able to finish planting, but that will really put the last of it in late.

  3. You made a very smart decision to put a nix on the Father's Day get together at your house. You really need to do nothing extra but take care of yourself until you're feeling tip-top again.

    You'd love to have a rain-free weekend and we're hoping to actually get the three days of rain they're forecasting for us. I've been watering the garden every single day (we hit 90 degrees yesterday!) and that's very unusual especially this time of year. Besides, nothing gives the plants and seeds in the garden a spurt growth like water in the form of real rain. Ooops, unless it's too much rain like you have. :o(

  4. Mama Pea, I am so glad we are not running around in a tizzy with party prep. Yeah, I am hoping for this heat wave to dry us up so I can get the rest planted. Rain is coming again next week.


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