Thursday, June 21, 2018

New Pie!

Although the weather cooled down, my downstairs was pretty humid and warm.  It was cooler to be on the porch, so after a good bathroom cleaning, freezing more strawberries, and baking a pie, I high-tailed it to the porch to crochet.  Even though I should have been weeding, but....

...rain arrived during the night and well, it's we again.  The battle of planting continued.  Not to mention the weeding.

New pie for me.  Believe or not.  We missed out on getting a stockage of strawberries the last two years.  Not this year.  I made my first baked fresh strawberry pie.  Hubby was in heaven on this one too.  It was sadly the last two pie crust crumbles I had in the freezer.  I guess I better dig out my recipe and get that on the to-do list now.

A huge batch of strawberry pancakes was made.

More strawberry jam was canned.

More books were purged.  Look!   I had two of these, ha ha!  And just for toots and giggles, I counted how many I'm getting rid of - 96 so far.  I am finding more recipes however, so the "try it" pile has grown.

Hubby tilled in the rain yesterday.  It literally stayed dry all day, and poof!  Rain arrived just as he got home.  

This counts as decluttering right?  Not like I needed another project, but golly I have lots of small balls, and half skeins of yarn piling up.  I'll be planted on the porch as soon as I freeze some peas, and do the dishes.

The rest of the garden is finally in this morning, and had I not pushed myself today, it would not be going in.  More rain is coming tonight and the next 3 days.  It's getting too late for it.  I haven't even checked the yellow squash to see if it needed replanted, but alas, the garden is in.  It's a weed fest out there, but it's not about the look this year, it's all about the bounty. 


  1. Kristina...Is that a ripple afghan in the picture? If so, what a great way to use leftover yarn. Sort of like a scrap quilt only crocheted.

  2. Vicki, yes. I've made a few before, but larger. This is the size of a baby blanket or a lapghan. If I have smaller balls to use up, I may start making scrap granny squares and just store them up until I have enough to make a large blanket with those too.

  3. Oh, strawberry pancakes! Why have I never thought of that before? I've had strawberry jam or syrup over them but never tossed some in the batter.

    Don't know how you're staying sane with all the rain and your gardening endeavors. You have peas to pick already? My pea vines haven't even started to climb on the trellis yet!

    I need to go through some of my books, too. But have the definite feeling that task will have to wait for fall/winter. My dear husband is the one with the majority of the books that need to be gone through. He's been promising to do that for the past three winters. Wonder what I can do to get him on that this year??

  4. You do make beautiful pies! It is a picture!! I have a recipe for strawberry/hibiscus butter that I am going to try this year. I have dried hibiscus flowers and I think I might have enough of my own strawberries. It makes a small batch, which is perfect for me.

  5. Mama Pea, the rain has been a battle this year for sure. The pancakes have been wonderful. I wanted to make syrup too, but ran out of strawberries.

  6. Susan, some of our own strawberries went into the pie, but I had to purchase some local ones to fill it up. The butter sounds interesting too.

  7. Oh my goodness your pie is so pretty :)

  8. Your pies should be in the county fair! Gorgeous!

  9. M.E. Masterson, thank you. Years ago I bought some tiny cookie cutters that you can use on cheese etc. for cuteness. They've come in handy to make fun pie crusts.

  10. So good you got your strawberries this year... the pie looks fabulous!
    I'm ashamed to say that I've never baked a pie from scratch... not because I don't want to, but
    because I'm scare of making the pie dough. I know silly, right? Like the world is going to end if it doesn't turn out alright, LOL. Must learn, the already made pies taste a bit funny to me, plus they have so much sugar.
    Have fun going through your books, and using up your yarn scraps! The afghan/blanket is turning out lovely!

  11. Bit's of Stitching, for years I was intimidated by anything homemade dough, and I just dug in and started practicing. Thank you!


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