Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Stinging Nettle Smoothie and other Tidbits

Yesterday I enjoyed a nettle smoothie.  I used blueberries and bananas for the fruit, some homemade yogurt, ice, and organic pomegranate juice.  Nettles are loaded with vitamin A and C, calcium, potassium, iron and a bit of protein.  Very low in calories too.

I'm trying to get as many weeds put up before the farmers start spraying too.

Although rain was in the forecast, I had another good laundry drying day outside, and picked a bowl of purple dead nettle.  I emptied the dehydrator and filled it with these.  They'll be dried and kept for winter use, and ground to add to soups, smoothies, breakfast casseroles etc.  They are also highly nutritious.  They can also aid in helping stop the bleeding of wounds, so I hope to get some poultices in the freezer too.

The garden seeds are popping up, but many are yet to be planted.  My gardening mojo has been at the very lowest I've ever had it at.  Not sure why, but feeling either burned out from trying to get stuff done, or I'm just exhausted from trying to keep the house up with the kids making messes.

I need a mojo refill.  

The sun is up this morning with a haze of fog.  I am pretty sure we'll see a dry day today, and mow down some very tall grass, weed, hoe, plant.....

The sunrise was just gorgeous the other day too.  We've see so many animals too.  In fact last night, the dogs were going nuts.  We all went to see what they saw, and two deer were at the edge of our property just grazing by the highway.  Mom took off and baby stayed, but as traffic approached it safely crossed the road.  Later we heard motorcycles pass.  I sure pray when I do too - for a safe ride.  The deer are on the move after sunset.  We like to be home by then, but you never know.

Apparently, I need to keep my house guest friendly from now on.  We've had too biker friends/family stop in for a visit after I've gotten in my jammies (early).  

Guess what?  The apartment application was approved for the kids!!!  The move in date is May 25th!!  They'll slowly move stuff out, as we'll only be moving the big stuff, like a handed down kitchen table, beds, etc.  They'll move the items packed in totes, and the garage will once again be usable.  Not sure if I'm ecstatic or sad.  We are about to find out.


  1. Congrats to your kids getting their own apartment! That should make less messes for you to have to clean up each day. A lot less cooking and dishes to do also. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they make a go of it and stay "on their own" so you can concentrate on doing more of your other very important responsibilities! And maybe even get some much needed rest. (Wouldn't that be nice?) Kids all reach a point when they need to learn to shoulder their own responsibilities while knowing mom and dad will always "be there" for them in emotional support but not continue relying on them for all the day to day subsistence. (Yeah, I'm a mean mom!)

  2. Mama Pea, I'm already seeing peace of mind, and more cash with them moving out - less pots of coffee brewed, less toilet paper, less food etc. And the garden goodies will last much longer hopefully. Oh, and yes, I'm looking forward to a clean house, things left where they should be, and less housework.

  3. We like to be home before dusk (We call it Deer-thirty around here) too. And I do wonder about bikers that are out tooling around late evening. Some have no choice, I know, because of their work hours, but it's sure not safe once deer are on the move. They're bigger than they look (from a distance), that's for sure.
    Still experiencing nerve and muscle pain here. No relief from anything the VA has given me so far, so not online muhc. Prayers for some relief in the future.
    Prayers for a safe holiday weekend for everyone. (Been wondering why they scheduled that for this weekend instead of next weekend since Memorial Day has been 5/31 for decades, but oh well.)
    God bless.

  4. Hi Kristina :) That's great about the kids! I hope it's a good thing for all of you. :) The sky photos are beautiful!


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