Tuesday, May 8, 2018

In Motion

I went to the barn early yesterday to fetch the hoe before the bumble bees woke up (terrible again this year). 

(steps I got on my fitbit yesterday)

The hoe and I had a date.  I got the beets in finally, and started weeding some of the flower beds.  I had a ton of laundry, and ran out of clothespins.  The day went way too fast, but work was done.  It was a nice 60-some degree day, so it wasn't sweltering either.

I found one of my rain barrels completely drained. Hubby and I will have to put a clamp on the hose.  It's a different set up than my barrel looking ones.

As for the bumble bees....a trap was set.  I was told this would work, so we'll see.  It's a 2 liter bottle cut in half and the top put in upside down.  Inside it's mountain dew with some dawn soap.  I'm not sure exactly the best place to set it, but we'll be experimenting.  The bees were taking over the porch.

The ants are bad this year too.  I mixed up some water and peppermint essential oil and sprayed my kitchen windows, and around other areas.  It's has been working too.

I rubbed homemade tick repellent oil on myself before gardening too.  It is safe for dogs and humans and it does work.  We found a tick on one of our barn cats last week.  I hope it's not a sign that it'll be a bad tick year.

Dinner was in town, so I didn't even have to cook.  Hubby surprised me by taking me on a motorcycle ride with the girls following in the car, and we had a burger in town.  

Then to end the evening, we got to see both great great nieces.  I never had a baby so small, so it was a delight to hold both.


  1. That's such a nice change for you - going out for dinner! No dishes! No cooking! Of course, it's your own fault, as you make such wonderful food. What a tiny baby!!

  2. Susan it was very nice to not cook, do the dishes etc but I am over due for a healthy dinner now, lol!

  3. Busy lady are you! I can't remember the last burger I had it has been quite awhile I can say for certainty over a year. Lucky you. The baby is cuteness in a blanket and there are two? See what you get for such hard work.

  4. Congratulations on the new arrivals, they bring so much love and joy. A nice treat to enjoy a meal out. We are at the hospital again today so are going to have a meal out, a rare treat.

  5. Goatldi, yes, two babies. One born on the 4th, and one on the 5th of May. One on Hubby's birthday too. Thank you!

  6. Thank you mamasmercantile. They are two bundles of cuteness!


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