Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday Tidbits ~ Chickweed Pesto

Warning....not good news just yet.

First, Hubby isn't off night shift after all.  A call came, and he's on 3rd for a few more nights (maybe).  

the boys couldn't just get us just a new tire.  Whatever Hubby hit on the road last week broke off some of the rim.  This was a huge challenge, as one daughter started a new job and the other had to work, and the truck brakes are still out.  However, by 5:30pm, those boys had a new tire and rim, and had it on the car for us.  We were very thankful.  Not only two of them, but 3 of our nephew's boys showed up, and his brother-in-law.  

It's hard to believe that yesterday I not only dehydrated several trays of chickweed, but cooked us spinach/chickweed pesto as part of our dinner.

Woke up to this today. Snow.  It's still snowing too.

I have no idea what I can miraculously whip up today.  It all depends (with a deeply insanely crazy laugh) on the weather.  If it clears up we have plan A, so the kids are on their own. If it's not cleared up, then it's plan B.  Maybe.  Dinner all depends on if my husband has to work another night of 3rd shift today, or if he is moved to 2nd which would make plan C.

Note:  To make the chickweed pesto, I simply used my favorite spinach pesto recipe (Genius Kitchen, Speedy Spinach Pesto, online), and used part chickweed for the parsley and spinach.  Somewhat like about a cup and 1 1/2 cups spinach maybe.  I eye-balled it.  I think next time I'll use all chickweed.  I had spinach to use up too, but I'm thrilled to get some chickweed dehydrated too, and I plan to dry a lot more of it this spring. Learning Herbs (online) has a recipe for chickweed pesto, but it's basically the same.  I used a splash of lemon juice in ours too.


  1. How wonderful that the family pulled together to get your car back on the road. Shame to hear about hubby having to do more night shifts, he must be exhausted.

  2. That's too bad he's still on that shift...it's hard to get used to I'm very sure! Oh the snow...the snow...will it never end???

  3. mamasmercantile, I'm brewing him some tea to restore energy today. He's exhausted.

  4. Rain, the sun is trying to shine, but that snow needs to go, lol!

  5. It's bad enough that your husband has to keep up that awful pace, but to not know ahead of time must drive you crazy! Not to mention being a car/truck down. Nothing is growing yet in our area - we just can't seem to get more than one day of sun and reasonable temps in a row. I cannot wait for something green!

  6. Susan, it's been tough for sure. I cannot wait for sunshine and warmer days too.

  7. Oh, third shift is horrible. We used to have lots of chickweed, but I've pulled so much for the chickens, it's getting scarce now.

  8. Henny Penny, I never thought to give some to the hens. Thanks for the idea. If I have any extra that is. I plan on making many spring dishes for us this year. Yum!


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