Friday, April 27, 2018

Spring Blooms ~ Done!

Dandelions are up.  Sorry the photos are the best.  I was outside with my phone the other day.

Daffodils and hyacinths are blooming and I have more white daffodils that are just now blooming.  I only have a few tulips and they are just now starting to bloom.  I have an idea to put tulips back in my front flower bed, but it may be fall now before I can plant the bulbs.  It's a bit late this year to do it.  Moles ate my bulbs in the previous years. I'll just start with a dozen and see if they grow, but keep the moles out.

We've had some foggy mornings here lately, and somewhat chilly, but it warmed up just a bit.

What's done?

The chicken coop has been spring cleaned!

The kitchen refrigerator (yes we have two) has been sanitized and cleaned out!

The runners have arrived and the floors are looking better!

More rugs washed and dried!

What else is done?  I lost another 1.8 lbs.  I'm only 2.2 from losing all my winter weight (or what I gained during spider bite recovery and not being able to work out for 2 months, followed by very little exercise).

Rain is to arrive again today.  Just when I think the soil will be dry enough to plant, but I'm not going to worry about it.  It will warm up early next week.  There is plenty of indoor work to do, and I do need a plan for dinner.  The kids surprised me by eating both pans of shells in 2 days.  I was shocked, and my oldest daughter came over again!!  I guess if you want the whole gang home, bake stuffed shells, ha ha!

Have a wonderful weekend!  


  1. Kristina you are putting me to shame, I live in hope that some Spring cleaning will get done today.

  2. mamasmercantile, I have to grab the days to do Spring cleaning now that gardening has resumed.

  3. Glad Spring has decided to visit you and your flowers are lovely. All mine are gone now but the dogwoods are blooming in the woods. It's double duty now for all of us who work outside too! I need some new rugs too. Enjoy your Spring!

  4. Sam I Am, I need more new rugs here too. I washed up a few older ones, that will be used for putting down to do car/truck and motorcycle repairs.


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