Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thursday Nothing-ness

Not to let my readers down, I thought I would share I have nothing to share today, ha ha!  It's the in-between season, where I have simply indoor housework.  The weather has been super chilly, and uncomfortable, so outdoor work is shunned upon.

I'll be back with something more news-worthy I am sure.  It's just been another long night last night.  Youngest didn't get out of rehearsal until 10pm.

The only really interesting news I have is that I'm changing up my menu.  Alas, I have stopped losing weight, and I believe it's my age and, well hormone changes. After losing it slowly, then losing a LOT fast in the hospital, it's been a very tough road to keep more pounds off (after gaining it all back). 

I also eat with the seasons, and I feel that I lost weight and had more energy with some of those seasonal veggies I don't buy out of season (and failed to freeze or dehydrate or can).

So, I spent hours doing research yesterday, and changing the way I work out as well.  I'm adding some new things to my meals, and possibly a new herb. 

I have already mixed up, what I call "crazy mood" tea (due to a daughter having high anxiety every month). Any female in the house will benefit from the tea I believe.  My husband will be a much happier man in a house of women too, ha ha!

If these changes help any, I will definitely be back to share.  Have a fun Thursday.  The sun is shining, and I have the house to myself (aside from dogs).  I'm turning up the music and getting my fitness on!  And I have no rush to get it done, so while I'm doing my walk too, I'll ponder what to make for dinner and plan out my day via thoughts.  I have also found that my walk time is a wonderful time to send up any prayers. 


  1. It's good to change things up a little, especially if you're trying to lose weight. When I lost the 97 infamous pounds back in 2010-2012, I changed things up a lot and my main exercise was hiking in the mountains and snowshoeing in the winter. Mind you, I lived alone back then and had the time to do it. I hope you find a good balance!

  2. Thank you Rain, for the vote of confidence. I hope to have better results by next month.

  3. I always start out so virtuously when winter begins. It quickly turns south, however, and I always end up dragging a few more pounds into spring. I can't wait to get outside and move! Doing something other than shoveling, that is.

  4. Well for someone with nothing to share, you wrote a good post. I'm going through this weight thing too. I had lost eight pounds before Thanksgiving and was feeling pretty good about myself, but then felt like I had been deprived and tried to make up for lost time, gaining it all back, plus an extra roll of fat around my middle. I am now on day three of doing better. :) I think warm weather will help us all.

  5. Hubby and I were just talking during dinner tonight about if it isn't working (whatever it may be), it's time to make some changes. It's just a pain in the patoot that changes (even when they're for the better) are hard to make . . . and stick with. Here's hoping we all can have the gumption to make those necessary changes!

  6. Susan I was thinking the same thing - all that outdoor movement will surely help.

  7. Henny Penny, I was doing great back in October, but after the holidays and long winter (although I was exercising), a few pounds creeped on me.

  8. Thanks Mama Pea, changes are hard to do, but with repetition, they come much easier.

  9. I would love to hear more details of what you changed in your diet - I am in the same place in life as you, I think. :) I recently read how beneficial taking alfalfa is (gmo free, etc etc) I've been reading up in that a bit.

  10. Kristen, I hope to try out these changes for a month and update you all. So far it's all working well. I have not heard about alfalfa yet.


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