Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Quiet Kitchen Capers ~ Garlic-Honey Glazed Carrots

The house needed to be quiet yesterday, but dinner needed prepped too.  I spent my hours in the kitchen (making more dirty dishes, ha ha!)

First up?

Homemade sausage patties, for breakfast sandwiches for the next few days.  I used 1 lb. for Sunday breakfast, and saved the other pound for patties.

Next up?

Dinner prep - chicken and mustard sauce in the crock pot, and garden veggies from the freezer.  I later served it over a non-gmo wild rice, with heated mashed sweet potatoes (that were pre-frozen).


I pulled garden pumpkin puree, garden shredded zucchini, and some blueberries from the freezer - Zucchini Pumpkin Bundt bread to last all week for lunch packings and snacks. I used my hand mixer to not only keep the kitchen quiet, but save on electricity this winter.

While that bread baked. . . 

A pot of oats were cooked up for the hens and stud muffin Sparta.  I also (he he) treated them to 4 mustard filled eggs.


Eggs were boiled.  I stashed these, and it wasn't a full dozen either, but it'll do.  


I double checked supplies for the next dinner.  I ended up doing a few loads of laundry, which were quietly placed on my giant wooden drying rack in the living room, and towels were placed on my utility room indoor clothesline.  Although, I badly wanted to turn on the vacuum and clean up the hearth, I opted to hand sweep it and and leave the carpets for today.

I almost forgot to share this - another self-sufficient way to cook up carrots.
Place a quart bag of frozen, sliced carrots into a wide sauce pan.  Add about 1/2 cup water and 2 cloves of garlic minced.  Add salt and pepper.  Bring to a boil, and simmer until carrots are cooked and water has reduced (add more if carrots need a longer cook time).  Stir in 2 Tbsp. of honey and simmer about 7-8 minutes longer.  Stir often to avoid it sticking to the pan.  

I made this for a quick side to go along with soup beans and cornbread a few days ago.  Delicious.  It was the first time Hubby slobbered over my soup beans too.  I used an old ham bone I kept in the freezer, not a ham hock.  I didn't have much ham on the bone, but the soup beans were very, very good.  I'll be sharing how I made my soup beans soon.

We got more snow, and the roads are very bad this morning. School is once again delayed.  


  1. I don't know that I have ever known anyone who could cram so much into one day! And all while making no noise!!!

  2. Susan, I left all the drawers, cupboards and doors open until I was completely done. Ha ha! That way I didn't make much noise. Today is different. I'll be vacuuming carpets and sucking down spider webs.

  3. You have certainly been cooking up a storm. I do a lot of batch baking/cooking to save on the fuel cost. I love the sound of the carrots. Not sure I would manage to not a make a noise whilst working thought, I love to have some music on and sing along.

  4. mamasmercantile, I have headphones, but rarely use them. I do love to cook and bake.

  5. Oh I LOVE a productive day in the kitchen; very inspiring - thank you.


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