Sunday, January 28, 2018

Yeast Roll Trials

A few new recipes were shared with me by blog followers, just before the holidays.  I failed miserably at trying them, but chalked out a few days to try them this month.

First, I made the rolls you roll up like crescent rolls (using oil).  I love the idea you can let the dough "stand" for the night, and then again in the morning, so you have the job done in small bits, leaving time to do whatever you need to in the morning.

Yum!  These are soft and fluffy.  The flavor is almost like a sourdough too. The only thing I didn't do was used greased baking sheets. 

 I used parchment paper, which I can re-use again.  Thank you for the recipe!!  There were still soft on day 2 (I'm surprised they lasted to day 2).

Next, I made the refrigerator roll recipe that was shared with me by Rebecca via her blog (click on her name and it goes directly to her recipe on her blog - Refrigerator Rolls.  It requires shortening, so I used (real) lard that I had on hand. It also requires mashed potatoes, so this was Hubby's excuse for me to make meatloaf and mashed potatoes the night before.

I had to purchase organic white potatoes, but I am thankful I have access to them before we plant again.  They just don't taste the same though.

Back to the rolls......the dough is placed in the refrigerator, and you can leave it in there from 8 hours to 5 days. Perfect for a gathering, big meal, holidays etc.

The results?

I made 16 beautifully big, delicious rolls.  Next batch will be  24 smaller ones.  Oh my gosh, are they good.  My vegetarian daughter even ate them (using lard).

Thank you both for sharing your recipes, and they are both "keepers."  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  My family is in love with my recent (and hope to be ongoing) bread baking adventures.


  1. Thanks for sharing! Your rolls look so pretty, too. I'm so glad you liked them!

  2. Kristen, they were delicious!! I have been great at making biscuits, but not rolls over the years, and I am thrilled you shared and I made time to try them.

  3. Those rolls both look very yummy! Nice to try new recipes isn't it? I love doing that!

  4. They do look good. I think I have said before, I have got lazy in recent years and use a bread making machine.

  5. Hi! Can you maybe post the recipe for those beautiful rolls?

  6. Oh, my. These rolls just make me want to cry! They look delicious and how great that they can be made in steps, since you are one of the business women I know!

  7. Thank you everyone. As for the recipes, I have the second one linked to her blog. Just click on her name and it's link to the recipe on her blog. You'll enjoy her blog too. As for the other. I'm working on getting it added to this post with permission from Kristen. I'll be back.

  8. Oh my goodness!!! These look wonderful. Is there anything in the world that tastes or smells better than fresh baked breads or rolls (of any kind really)? Yum!!!
    God bless.


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