Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Good ~ The Bad

The Good:  we are still being provided with frozen, mashed garden grown sweet potatoes (and they taste great when reheated).  

The Bad:  I didn't can applesauce this past fall.  Organic apples are too expensive yet, and our trees have not produced.

The Good:  We have a good supply of wood

The Bad:  We had to cut and split it in freezing weather

The Good:  My biscuits are perfect using organic all purpose flour.

The Bad:  My biscuits do not turn out tall and flacky using Einkorn all purpose flour (sad face). They don't rise, and they are not flaky (heavy and dense).  Note: However, these would be good for under a meat gravy torn up or whole.  Or a side bread for soup. They are delicious, so it's not a completely "bad" thing, ha ha!

The Good:  I got all my baby blanket granny squares finished.

The Bad:  I need to sew 12 panels of 16 squares each, then sew the panels together, before I can completely finish the blanket.  It may be a bit longer for this project.

The Bad:  My computer is now called the "Procrastination Station"

The Good:  I'm still getting my exercise done, even so.


  1. Love this "good/bad" post. I think we could all write one like this frequently! And maybe I will!! ;o)

  2. The good outweighs the bad overall!! But that will be a lot of sewing, I'm assuming by hand?

  3. Mama Pea, it helps me keep balanced, ha ha!

  4. Rain, the blanket has been on the "on-going" project list for 7 1/2 years now, ha ha!

  5. I loved the concept of this post the good/bad. I don't mind sewing the squares together its sewing in all the ends I dislike. Glad you now have plenty of wood.

  6. mamasmercantile, you are right about sewing in the ends. I did it on each square as I finished them, so I would not be dreading it in the end.

  7. Wow, look at the rise on the organic flour biscuits! Happy you were still able to enjoy the other biscuits too.

    Loving the baby blanket. The colors are lovely. Looking forward to seeing it after the tedious part of sewing it all together. I will be so worth it!

  8. Cute post! YOu forgot the "ugly" part! LOL! Love your baby blanket!

  9. Sam I Am, that's funny! I should have added the "ugly"


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