Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Random Tidbits

Zuri-raptor has landed again.  This time she stole a stuffed animal from the box heading to the thrift store, and simply ripped out the head.  I do declare.  That dog!

I got a lot of rest yesterday, but Hubby had to go to work today.  He is the one keeping me from over-doing work, and resting more.  He even cleaned the tub so I could take a hot soak in tea tree oil.  He wasn't feeling good and we both took a long nap together. 

I'll have to keep myself on track today. I don't think it will be a problem either.  I'm only up to get one kiddo off to school, get the fire going, and make sure another daughter is up to take dogs out and feed the cats. 

Today it will be a repeat of yesterday - rest, warm soup, mullein tincture, herbal teas (many with ginger), four thieves vinegar, essential oil diffuser, homemade vap-rub etc. 

Oh, and Mom is home now.  Thanks to my 18 year-old, who went up to transport her.  


  1. So glad to hear your mom is home! I hope she is doing well. Now, we just have to get you back up on your feet - I think your daughters should be doing everything possible to make that happen - you are the one who makes all that amazingly wonderful food!

  2. Susan, thanks. One daughter is in a musical for this upcoming March and they practice non-stop for hours. She has not been here much to do dishes, nor any housework, so it's on her older sister most of the time. I mean they practice from after school until 9pm almost every other night. It's crazy. I am making some good healthy soup today, so Hubby can have something to take to work. It smells good, so if I can smell, my remedies are working. Yay for that.

  3. Thrilled to hear your Mum is home, one less thing to worry about. Good to hear you are resting and hopefully you too will be on the mend soon.

  4. Everyone must be relieved and happy your mom is home . . . probably most of all your mom!

    I agree with what Susan said: You and your hubby HAVE to be careful you don't get laid low by the awful sickness(es) that seem to be prevalent everywhere. Regardless of other activities, your daughters have to pitch in during this time or they'll see their mom back in the hospital (shhh, I didn't say that out loud) and they need a reminder of what that was like!

  5. Are things getting back to normal? Does "normal" exist??? The photo reminds me of my life lol...our two fosters are "rippers"...I had to hide all the toys, but then they went for the couch....patience is a virtue right? :)

  6. Rain, I think there is a bit of normalcy going on here. I felt good enough Wed. to do the chicken chores and get the mail, but that was it. Yeah, Zuri is a chewer up of all things, ha ha!

  7. Mama Pea, you are so right. I am laying low, but Hubby is back to work. However, the soup I made will fill his belly at work, and hopefully kill off anything that may be lingering. He is not congested, just worn down. We are taking it easy when he gets home, but last night I had to tell him we were completely out of cut wood. He went right out and cut enough for 4-5 days. I still have drainage, and a bit of congestion. This morning at 5am, I woke up with a cough. Oh the horror I felt. I immediately went for the thieves drops. No cough since then. I will be sure to sip hot teas today and hopefully take a nap.


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