Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Homemade Reusable "Cotton Balls"

I'm on a roll with posts this new 2018 year.  I'm also on a roll in getting things done and lists crossed off.  I literally have a list that I never finished from bike week, and one to do after the last craft show.  

Well?  They are both getting crossed off. It was actually fun doing something different than crocheting or knitting.

I have been wanting to make reusable "cotton balls" for years, and just haven't found the time into making them.  I decided to hand sew them, but I'll be getting the sewing machine out soon. I needed my hand sewing skills renewed anyway.

I apply apple cider vinegar toner to my face daily, so we were going through a lot of cotton balls.

If you are not aware, I also have a blog, where I post recycled, up-cycled or scrap type projects/crafts/handiwork.  

The DIY "cotton balls" are eco-friendly, and help keep our homestead on the path to a deeper self-sufficiency.  

How I made my reusable pads:  S.C.R.A.P. Blogspot

I made them using scrap fabric and old flannel twin bed sheets.  The flannel bed sheets had been used on my bed as a child, then passed down to my own kids. The elastic is worn out on the bottom sheet, and I had kept them to use in one way or another.

Now if I can just carve out a day to dig out my sewing machine, I'll be heading into new learning territories.    I love receiving scrap fabric from those who sew, and can't use the scraps (or have too many of them).  The fabric I used to make my cotton pads with was gifted to me.  I am so ever grateful for that.


  1. Cute! So you use flannel on the inside?

  2. Little Homestead, yes, flannel on the other side. If you click on my link in the post, it goes to my scrap blog where you can see more pictures.

  3. Those 'cotton pads' are so cute and reusable! Love the fabric!

  4. Sam I Am, I just grabbed the fabric from a box of scraps and I love the pick too. I love my new "cotton balls" too.


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