Wednesday, December 13, 2017

This and That

Cookie and candy baking came to a halt this week.  Money flew out of my wallet as fast as it flew in.

With Hubby's work schedule the truck is not yet repaired, and the ignition went out on the car that was handed down to our daughter.  So...$230 (so far) for the truck and another $160 for the car.  Talk about frustrations and headaches.  I know this is not a happy update, but it's reality.

Zuri is modeling a dog scarf I crocheted for Jesse (Vet Tech daughter's dog).  She loved it, but King tried to eat it off of her, being jealous and all.  I guess, sigh, I'll have to whip up one for all our dogs and one for "grand dog" Mia too.  They are made to fit so they don't slip off when the bend their heads down. Jesse loves to eat snow. You always know where he's been because there is a tongue mark between his paw prints in the snow, ha ha!

Update on Tiger.  Blood work ($175.00) ruled out most types of cat cancer.  They are saying it could be an allergy of some sort, so he's getting kids allergy medication and he hates it.  They don't make it for cats, so he gets what kids get these days.  He spits it out, sneezes it out, whatever to avoid swallowing it.  Poor guy.  I hope it makes him feel better.  If not, it's back to square one again with him.

It's cold out, but the wind and sunshine helps keep my electric bill down.

Someone is slacking in the egg department. 

Christmas goodie recipes were dug out, and a grocery list written.  Here's hoping to get a few holiday treats soon when vehicles are up and running. I'm picking maybe two recipes this season.

Crochet work continues, and all standing orders are finished.  My hands are very sore today, and I have one scarf to make for a daughter, so I'm taking a break today.  I only have my muscle rub to work with, so here's hoping it helps.  I am so close to ordering dried organic arnica, but I may have another idea if the "muscle rub" I made doesn't work.  I really need something that will help the joints too.

It's freezing cold here, so I tossed my hens some more fresh straw last night, and stuffed their roosts with warmness. They were not out in their run yesterday, on account of another fox sighting. I heard him early morning, and daughter saw him the night before.  Sigh.  I am hoping that after a few days, he'll/she'll move on up through the woods.


  1. The doggie scarf is adorable. I may have to try making one for my 'grandpuppy.'

  2. Hi Kristine :) The dog scarves are really pretty! What a great idea. I made one for Jack, but it was a quick one, an old sweater that I cut the sleeve off, didn't even hem it lol...our dogs eat the snow too. They chew on the ice. Poor Tiger, I hope all is well. Our cat Oscar has to take Prednisone for life because he has a mystery allergy that makes his eyes and nose all red and swollen. We tried different foods, tests galore...he tries to spit the pill out too. We found that the only way he'll take it is if we drop it down his throat then give him some of his favourite treat right after so he forgets about it...another thing that works (but I hate doing it), is banging hard on the counter right after we give him the pill...that way he's a little startled and swallows it. That's for emergencies when he spits them out multiple times though.

  3. Vicki our dogs love it. I am having another daughter pick up yarn to make some for the rest of them.

  4. Rain, we are looking for special food for him now. Something now affects his system, so I'm on the hunt. I wish I could find a recipe for homemade cat food. I may have to make one myself.

  5. We used to make our own dog food but then Marlene was diagnosed with bladder problems so she's on a special ($$$$$) kibble, so we switched all the dogs to kibble. One day I'd love to afford to make the dogs and cats their own food. If you find a good recipe, please post it!

  6. Rain, in the past, when Jesse lived with us, I always made homemade dog food. Then she moved out with him, and made the food herself. I found my recipe in a library book I think.

  7. Busy! Busy! Busy! Think about ll the calmness that will (may) return after CHRISTmas is over.
    Prayers for your kitty and your wallet too. Just about when you think you have everything caught up, something falls apart. Such is life.
    Still trying to recover from the virus here. I felt better today, until I started coughing which wore me flat out, but I'm blessed that I did feel better today, if only for a bit.
    Praise God!!!
    God bless.

  8. RB, I sure hope you feel better soon. Coughing is so hard on a person. Thank you for your prayers.

  9. Never a dull moment at your house! Hope things improve!

  10. Thanks Sam, yeah, never a dull moment around this place ha ha!


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