Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Year's Eve Traditions

I can't say we area carrying on my childhood traditions, but I wanted to write today and share them.  My kids are older now, and well, I can't really stay up that late (ha ha ha!).

As a child, Mom would fill the kitchen table with leftover Christmas cookies, chips and dips, cheese ball and crackers, and punch. Lights would be off and candles would be lit.

The real Christmas tree would still be up, covered with that thin, silver tinsel, homemade ornaments and blinking lights.  There was a star light on the top.

We'd crawl under the tree bottom, because Dad built a box to put the tree stand on.  The smell was wonderful.  We'd take our coloring books and crayons and color for hours under the blinking lights and tree limbs.

The TV would be turned on to the "count down" and we'd get in our PJ's.

The punch was Hawaiian punch, ginger-ale and 7-up.  She'd fill a huge punch bowl and we'd sip from those tiny fun cups it came with.

We'd stay up until midnight, throw confetti, then run around the house (in winter wear and boots) beating on Mom's pots with her wooden spoons, screaming "Happy New Year!"  Keep in mind this was in town and we had neighbors, ha ha ha ha! 

We have no close neighbors out here, but I'm sure if we lived in town the kids would be up to some sort of shenanigans.  Now, the kids are older and one went to sleepover party, and one has to work (or is on call).  

Hubby and I have no plans but to possible cut more wood and just relax, as my kitchen is clean!! Can you believe it!  

Shoot, now I want to crawl under my Christmas tree, and color in a coloring book.  Oh, how I would love to put up a real tree one of these years.


  1. Hi Kristina :) Your memories are great! And joy to having a clean kitchen, something I have no accomplished in 2017 lol...I hope you both have a wonderful evening. I'm planning dinner at 8pm to hopefully encourage the both of us to stay up until midnight lol...we may need to nap for an hour first. I have a nice sparkling wine with Limoncello and Cointreau planned so we BETTER stay up. 2018 will be a great year! :)

  2. In our house, New Years Eve meant oyster stew for my Dad and a big pot of chili for the rest of us who didn't consider oyster stew as a food. There were board games and popcorn and listening to the radio, following the New Year as it came closer and closer to us. I haven't thought about this for years. Thanks for triggering the memories. May you and yours have a blessed New Year!!

  3. Some wonderful memories. Best wishes for 2018.

  4. What fond memories. I want a real tree one of these years too!

  5. Sam I Am, I may have to wait until the dogs are bit more tame before I get a real tree. They can be quite active in their young years.


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